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view post Posted on 8/4/2013, 11:29

Aaron fa i complimenti a Gerry dicendo che è sexy, divertente, cheha sempre una buona parola da dire e che gli piace uscire con lui. Aggiunge anche che Gerry è un molto bravo a cantare.

The 'Olympus Has Fallen' actor has become firm friends with his Scottish co-star, 43, after they bonded on the set of the new action thriller and thinks he is one of the nicest guys in Hollywood.

The 45-year-old star exclusively told BANG Showbiz at the UK premiere of the movie at BFI IMAX South Bank in London on Wednesday night (03.04.13): "Gerry is a wonderful guy, he's sexy, he's funny, he always has a good word to say about everyone. I like hanging out with him."

Aaron also revealed that he and Gerard have stayed in touch since wrapping up the film and he has even been entertained by his singing skills.

He said: "We've text each other once or twice. He's great at singing."

Aaron, who plays President Benjamin Asher in the film, admitted that although he enjoyed the role, he has no aspirations to carve out a political career in real life.

He said: "Well, I tried to base it on my ideal of a president; honest, trustworthy and someone with integrity. Not one president in particular. But I absolutely hated it (being president), it's not for me."

view post Posted on 24/11/2014, 13:00

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


Ross King ci racconta la sera del compleanno di Gerry...e fa il simpatico sulla presenza o meno di una fidanzata...ma a chi la vuole dare a bere? :P

The big night out this week was Gerard Butler’s birthday party.

Gerry was 21 (again) and he invited a few of his close pals to a restaurant for a quiet dinner. I was honoured to be asked. This wasn’t a glitzy Hollywood bash, it was just a few close pals enjoying a quiet night out together, in the back room of a restaurant in LA.

I was sitting next to Scots actor Tony Curran. Big mistake Gerry, putting two Scots next to each other. Turns out it wasn’t so quiet after all.

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you what happened. It was japes and jokes all night. Tony has known Gerry since he was 15 and they were at the Scottish Youth Theatre. We shared a good few stories!

Then Gerry got up to make a speech. It was quite heartfelt, he wanted to thank people who meant a lot to him. And so naturally, when he spoke, we heckled.

Come on – two Scots together and their mate gets up to speak? It was always going to happen.

Anyway, Gerry ploughed on and, as he continued to thank people, he said this is beginning to sound like an Oscar speech. Of course I shouted he should get it out of his system because there was no chance of winning the real thing come next March!

It was a great night. It was so nice to see Gerry amongst his pals, relaxing and having a great time.

The food was pretty amazing, too. I had the most beautiful fish and beet salad. Nice healthy Los Angeles fare. And then for dessert I had sticky toffee pudding. Well, you can take the boy out of Scotland, but you can’t take Scotland out of the boy.

By the time my fiancee Brianna and I were leaving it was really late. Somehow word had got round and there was a whole host of paparrazzi there, a sea of photographers. I shouted to them how did you know I was here?

It was a total tumbleweed moment. And not a single snapper took a photo, not one flashbulb went off! Me and Brianna couldn’t stop laughing about that one. They all just stared at me blankly. And it proved my saying once again – British humour, American silence!

Of course, there’s always a lot of speculation in the Press about Gerry’s love life. It’s just the way it is when you’re Hollywood star. Pass a woman in the street and you’re dating.

Make a bit of eye contact with her and it’s serious.

Smile at her and you’re getting married.

So, did Gerry have a date with him on his birthday night? My dear, I couldn’t possibly comment.

Until next week, chums!
view post Posted on 23/7/2015, 12:15

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Il settimanale frencese Closer pubblica un'intervista a Laurie Cholewa(ricordate?) nella quale la giornalista parla,con molta stima in verità,di Gerry e della loro breve storia:


Des années après, Laurie Cholewa est revenue sur sa relation avec Gerard Butler lors d'une interview au magazine Closer."Nous avons vécu une jolie histoire ensemble qui a duré 6 mois. (...) J'étais consciente du fait que notre aventure ne fonctionnerait pas sur le long terme. Ma vie et ma carrière sont en France, la sienne se déroule à Hollywood".
La jeune femme ne tarit d'ailleurs pas d'éloges au sujet de l'acteur : "C'est quelqu'un de bien. Gérard est très loin de l'image que les médias donnent de lui. Il est beaucoup plus profond et beaucoup plus entier. Je l'ai rencontré à un moment de ma vie où je n'allais pas très bien. Je venais de perdre mon père et j'étais un peu écorchée vive. Et je peux dire que c'est un homme qui s'intéresse véritablement aux autres".
view post Posted on 23/7/2015, 15:14

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


traduco per le non addette :P

"Abbiamo vissuto insieme una bella storia che è durata sei mesi. (...) Ero consapevole del fatto che la nostra avventura non avrebbe funzionato a lungo termine, la mia vita e la mia carriera sono in Francia, la sua si svolge a Hollywood. "
La giovane donna non ha che elogiare l'attore: "E 'una brava persona. Gérard è molto lontano dall'immagine che i media danno di lui, è molto più profondo e integro(?,ndr). L'ho incontrato in un momento della mia vita in cui non stavo molto bene, avevo appena perso mio padre ed ero un po' scorticato vivo(insomma stava male, ndr). E posso dire che questo è un uomo genuinamente interessato ad altre persone. "

Comunque ce ne fosse una di sua ex che parla male di lui :mmm: Si sa che lui è buono, ma ha un carattere difficile da sopportare...Morgan avrà imparato da Master come trattarlo :plasso: :P

Edited by sabrinta - 24/7/2015, 16:05
view post Posted on 29/2/2016, 18:54

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Sono usciti alcuni articoli su Gerry,a seguito della contemporanea distribuzione di Gods of Egypt e di London has Fallen...non sono lusinghieri,soprattutto il primo:


di cui cito questa frase:

Okay, then. Could Gerard Butler be a 46-year-old Scottish actor who—despite several mainstream hits to his credit, and two new movies coming out less than a week apart—remains utterly lacking a recognizable personality, either as an actor and as a celebrity, and thus serves as a prime example of how Hollywood has struggled to create leading men in recent years?


e questo è il secondo:


Di cui cito la conclusione...con la quale debbo cominciare a essere d'accordo...

Butler’s resume is almost as stuffed with bonkers movies as those other scenery-chewing action stars, but he doesn’t stand out the way they do.

But maybe that’s why Gerard Butler is the perfect movie star for our times. He’s more or less a blank slate as a person, which makes him versatile onscreen—not because he’s an amazing actor, but because he’s a solid presence. Though he usually plays a rascal or a rebel, he also has a certain gravitas, and his physique speaks to a not-fucking-around approach to keeping his beefcake intact. He’s not there to deliver an iconic performance—he’s there to play the hero, fit seamlessly into the damn movie, and make whatever insanity is going on around him seem as believable as possible. Of course Gods of Egypt is a Gerard Butler movie. Even if the rest of the movie makes absolutely no sense, his casting absolutely does.

Infine,questa 'lettera aperta' all'agente di Gerry:

view post Posted on 2/3/2016, 21:52

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


Posto che non posso credere che Gerry si sia dimenticato come si recita...non concordo su questa frase:
not because he’s an amazing actor, but because he’s a solid presence

lui lo è 'amazing', se ci si ricorda dei suoi vecchi ruoli...fino a Rocknrolla direi, con vaghi sprazzi visti in Coriolanus e poco altro.
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