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view post Posted on 20/12/2008, 11:29

La pazza del video dei Paparazzi ha anche un blog...

I saw Gerard Butler. I started “flirting” with Gerard and saying, “hey papi, this is a real Latina, not La Camaron Diaz”. .

Ho visto Gerard Butler. Ho cominciato a 'flirtare' con Gerard dicendogli, "hey papi, questa è una vera donna latina, non Cameron Diaz".

ed ecco la sua foto con Gerry:


per il video QUI

Edited by gemini78 - 9/1/2013, 23:53
view post Posted on 20/12/2008, 16:04

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


...povero...però la foto con lei se l'è fatta....non sapeva che stavano flirtando??? ^_^ ^_^
view post Posted on 20/12/2008, 17:14

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


se per lei quello era flirtare...omg... :P
view post Posted on 30/12/2008, 09:31

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Qui non si parla di un incontro tra fans,ma di una giovanecomparsa che ha avuto la fortuna di lavorare con grossi nomi...divertente l'episodio con MacConaughey(pare che il ragazzo non usi deodorante,ma abbia un odore naturale molto bello...mah? diplomatica?)..di Gerry dice che è un 'Hunk'(ma no?...c'era bisogno della zingara?)

As for McConaughey, Brown met him while playing one of his staffers in Tropic Thunder, the hit comedy from Ben Stiller. McConaughey is ''totally what you'd expect him to be: a relaxed surfer dude,'' she said.

But before they met, Brown had seen McConaughey telling Oprah Winfrey that he did not use deodorant. So, Brown said, ''I wanted to smell him.''

She did it subtly, when she got a hug from the actor. Her verdict: ''He has his own smell. . . . I love it.''


''My goal is to work with good people,'' she said, and she often praises the people she works with. Heigl, in spite of her somewhat testy rep, ''was a doll,'' Brown said. And Butler ''is a hunk.''
view post Posted on 7/1/2009, 08:36

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Qui c'è la testimonianza di una 'imbdiana' che lo avrebbe incontrato poche ore fa a NY...Dice che lo ha riconosciuto all'angolo di una strada e in qualche modo è riuscita a chiamarlo;forse non nel modo giusto(dice:forse lui ha pensato che volessi dargli una coltellata) comunque assicuratosi della sua innocuità l'avrebbe salutata con un 'Hei,come va?' e sarebbe passato avanti,scomparendo nella folla,che non gli dava nessuna particolare attenzione...nè lui faceva nulla per attirarla...

La fan però tiene a dire che aveva un aspetto... infernale:stanco,semi sconvolto,i capelli lucidi... Solo gli occhi splendidi,così splendidi che è stata sicura davvero fosse lui guardandoli...

Saw GB in NY today...or all of 8-10 seconds. It was at 41st and 8th Avenue, right in front of the bus station. I was walking in the opposite direction, after seeing a friend off to the airport, and was then going for some munchies at Duane Reade. I looked just a little to my left, and voila! there he was. He was wearing a kind of shabby grey jacket, unzipped (in New York, in January. Hello? [[smile]] ), baggy jeans, some ratty sneakers, I think, nothing on his head, and without Lolita.

As stunned as one might imagine I'd be at looking up and seeing him in front of me, I just kind of blurted out "Gerry! Gerard Butler, oh my goodness!" He acknowledged me well enough upon hearing his name, but I think he may have thought I wanted to knife him or something (I didn't do anything, honest!), and he sheepishly waved, said "Hi, how are you?" and continued on in the direction of lower Manhattan. For a split second, the urge to follow did take hold (I won't lie, LOL!), but as soon as it came, it went (I did have more important things to do, like getting my munchies for the ride home!) After another few seconds, I looked back, and he was swallowed up in the crowd that tends to swell at that particular stretch of road and I couldn't see him anymore. Somewhat anti-climactic and awkward, but, ah, well: New York streets aren't always good for the fan encounter, and he looked as if he had mad mucho on his mind anyway. Sigh, heck, maybe I'm not his type, who knows, LOL? (I am a woman, so I do posess the requisite equipment, but every man has their exception, no? [[smile]] )

Some quick observations from a quick encounter:

* He looked like hell, and I don't say this to disparage the man, but yeah, that's the long and short of it. Very tired, worn, ruddy faced, a lot of strain. I wonder if he'd only just gotten back from his New Year's trip or something. His eyes are rather dazzling, even in a state of hellishness, but they were rather watery as well. Could have been the cold weather. But he must be getting some shots of something, because the years are definitely catching him, and he doesn't always look like that in the press photos...

* His hair seems lighter (the non-grey bits) in person. Stubbly-stubbly, as usual.

* As he went, there was no audible whooping from anyone that I could hear, so as it goes in New York, most people there seem to kind of let famous folks go as they please. In a way, he didn't look that much like "himself" that people might even take notice. I wonder if TMZ was anywhere in the vicinity?

BTW: I also saw the cop from Law and Order walking with the family, the one who plays Mariska Hargitay's partner? Hmm, seems as if the middle of the workday in the middle of the week is the best time for celeb sitings in New York! I've never had this happen when I've been there on a Saturday night!

Well, that's that, gang. Be well.
view post Posted on 7/1/2009, 16:20

Ho fatto una veloce traduzione, ecco qui :

view post Posted on 7/1/2009, 16:35

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


grazie Laura!!
certo che per averlo visto 8-10 secondi ha registrato non pochi particolari...anche gli occhi acquosi...!!!

detto questo...voglio incontrarlo anch'io per strada :occhilucidi:

view post Posted on 7/1/2009, 16:43

più che incontrarlo, l'ha radiografato!!
view post Posted on 14/2/2009, 21:31

Ho trovato quest'articolo dove ancora una volta viene ribadita l'estrema gentilezza di Gerry con i fan...


""300" Star Gerard Butler Wasted At 3 Am"

I recentely attended a after party for a movie screening starring Gerard Butler. Gerard Butler partied hard through the wee hours of the morning. As the party started winding down Gerard started heading out. It was about 3am before Gerard made his way through the club. Security was very tight around him but when I finally got his attention, he was extremely cool. Although he was wasted, he couldn't have been a nicer guy.

Edited by gemini78 - 14/2/2009, 21:47
view post Posted on 14/2/2009, 21:52

E breve traduzione (potrei sbagliare però mi pare che fosse già stato postato questo articolo :mmm: )

Ho recentemente partecipato ad un party per la proiezione di un film con Gerard Butler. Gerard Butler è rimasto al party fino alle prime ore del mattino. Quando il party stava per finire Gerard Butler è uscito. Erano quasi le tre del mattino quando Gerry ha lasciato il club. La sicurezza era davvero stretta attorno a lui, ma quando ho finalmente avuto la sua attenzione è stato fantastico. Sebbene fosse stanco, non avrebbe potuto essere più gentile.

view post Posted on 15/2/2009, 19:53

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


(potrei sbagliare però mi pare che fosse già stato postato questo articolo :mmm: )

si,pare anche a me...o l'avevo già letto :mmm:
comunque è sempre bello leggere di quanto Gerry sia sempre gentile con i fans,a qualunque ora del giorno e della notte :D
view post Posted on 17/2/2009, 15:09

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Ieri Gerry è stato anche fotografato dai fans,e una ragazza racconta l'incontro,sottolineando che era vestito in modo così 'sobrio' da rendere difficile riconoscerlo...però poi,una volta rivconosciuto è stato assaltato dai paparazzi,cui ha proposto il patto di farsi fotografare con gli -dice la tipa- i paparazzi volevano solo lui...

Quando poi è stata la volta dei fans,all'inizio lui era stanco e ha chiaramente espresso il desiderio di smetterla con le foto,ma poi non ha retto alla delusione sul viso dei presenti(soprattutto di un bimbo...) e ha ceduto,mostrandosi friandly come poche celebrità!...

Gerard Butler has been here in New York City for Fashion Week. I had the opportunity to see him outside at Saturday Night Live for a quick second but didn't get to take a picture with him until today at a fashion show. He exited Fashion Week around 8:00 P.M. He was one of the first celebrities to exit the event and left through the back.

Gerard was wearing the most simple clothes you can imagine, totally not dressed up for the event. So people didn't realize who he was until a few seconds later. ( chi l'avrebbe detto...)

The fans and photographers went running after him. Gerard is one of those guys that walk through the city instead of being transported in an suv, so it was pretty hard for him to move with everyone around him. So he try to make a deal with the paparazzi's. The deal is that he would stop and let them take pictures of him, if they would let him alone so he could walk. Of course the paparazzi's agreed for that moment. The thing is that Gerard stop to posed with his friends and the paparazzi's were not interested in that. They were interested in him alone. So as soon, as he started walking again, everyone continued following him and asking for pictures.

Then a little kid with a video camera told him he was his idol and that he wanted to be just like him. Gerard Butler looked surprised and even told him to go ahead and other things which made the kids day. Gerard sure seem happier after this. Previously, when a fan asked him for a picture he said no, that he had taken 1000 pictures already. But after the fan asked him for a second time he said sure. This was when he started taking pictures with a couple of fans before leaving towards a press conference.

Gerard you seem to forget that you are many people's idol. Don't forget that, there is no reason for people to keep on reminding you of it.

Edited by arielcips - 17/2/2009, 18:54
view post Posted on 17/2/2009, 15:26

Previously, when a fan asked him for a picture he said no, that he had taken 1000 pictures already. But after the fan asked him for a second time he said sure. This was when he started taking pictures with a couple of fans before leaving towards a press conference.

Fa sempre piacere leggere quanto Gerry sia rimasta una persona alla mano..

. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Speriamo che il successo non arrivi mai a cambiarlo sarebbe davvero un peccato!!!

Then a little kid with a video camera told him he was his idol and that he wanted to be just like him.

Per me qui c'è lo zampino della mamma del bambino!!! :fisch: :fisch:
view post Posted on 18/2/2009, 11:59

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


ma quanto è stato dolce! :occhilucidi:
Per me qui c'è lo zampino della mamma del bambino!!! :fisch: :fisch:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
signora:su tesorino,fai il faccino triste al signore che così mammina si fa la foto e dopo ti compra un dolcetto... :fisch:
bimbo: :cry: ... :sniff:
Gerry: :o: ok ok :D
signora: :cheeerleaders: ewwai!( :drool: )
view post Posted on 20/2/2009, 21:51

Secondo questo trafiletto

Gerard Butler was confronted in Tenjune by a superfan who started gushing over his movies. They guy lifted up his t-shirt to show off tattoos of scenes and characters from Butler’s 300. An entertained Butler took a picture and excused himself to go back to his table full of models whom he amused with the photograph.

Gerard Butler ha incontrato a Tenjune (NY) un superfan che ha cominciato a parlare con entusiasmo dei film di Gerry. Il ragazzo si è sollevato la maglietta per mostrare dei tatuaggi con scene e personaggi di 300. Un divertito Butler ha fatto una foto e si è scusato per poi fare ritorno al suo tavolo pieno di modelle che ha intrattenuto mostrando loro la foto.
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