300: Rise of an Empire

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view post Posted on 27/7/2008, 17:00

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


devo dire che condivido il giudizio che il giornalista esprime sia verso Gerry che verso un sequel/prequel di 300...Speriamo lo capiscano anche i produttori e il regista!
view post Posted on 28/7/2008, 16:16

For how much I really liked 300, I am more looking forward to watching it more…rather than seeing a sequel or prequel. Also, I would probably be happier if Zach Snyder wasn’t involved as a director. The guy has a spotless track record so far and I’d hate for him to follow up what looks to be a masterpiece in Watchmen, with 300: The Deuce.

direi che concordo... :mmm: ^_^
view post Posted on 6/9/2008, 15:27

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


In questa breve intervista,mella quale il giornalista sottolinea peraltro la discrezione e l'eleganza con cui Gerry evita di parlare dell'evento,è chiaro che l'attore non intende partecipare a un sequel di 300...Non vuole più 'cenare all'Inferno'...


The Toronto Film Festival has begun, and that means big stars in huge press conferences. Among them is Gerard Butler, who was fielding questions about his new flick, the Guy Ritchie caper RocknRolla.

Of course, he wasn't just answering questions about that film. Superhero Hype! asked if Butler has been updated on the rumors of a 300 follow-up. The talk is that the movie will get another chapter, although Zack Snyder hasn't specifically said whether it will be a prequel or a sequel. Both options have their merits, to be sure.

Butler, however, doesn't seem to be making reservations for another night dining in hell.

"I've heard some backroom chatter, but nothing more, so I don't know if it would be a sequel or a prequel," Butler responded. "I don't want say anymore than that, because I really don't know. I haven't read anything. I can't see it myself--sequel for me absolutely not, but I just mean the idea generally, I'm really not sure which way they would go with that."

He sounds skeptical, and as a guy with his marquee appeal and ability, I can understand not wanting to be The Spartan Guy for another half decade of his career, which will arguably be the prime of his career. As he said, a sequel wouldn't work for him, although I think in terms of the story it's probably more interesting than a prequel - where do they go from that battle forward?

Obviously, because 300 was such a success, it's naturally a prime target for the franchise tag, but with Zack Snyder's growing clout, he may be able to avoid a bad sequel (or prequel) if it's not coming together and move forward with other things.
view post Posted on 6/9/2008, 15:43

non ho capito bene,quindi se gli venisse proposto di fare un sequel non accetterebbe?
view post Posted on 6/9/2008, 16:06

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


no,non rifarebbe lo Spartano,nonostante la fortuna che gli ha portato il ruolo!
view post Posted on 6/9/2008, 19:37

Qui c'è l'articolo in Italiano

Gerard Butler: no al sequel di 300
Scritto da Andrea
sabato 06 settembre 2008


Gerard Butler ha gettato acqua sul fuoco riguardo alla sua partecipazione al sequel/prequel di 300: l'attore ha detto che anche se il film si facesse, non parteciperebbe. Effettivamente, visto che Leonida è morto...

Qualche settimana fa vi avevamo annunciato che Frank Miller sta lavorando a una nuova graphic novel prequel o sequel di 300, che la Legendary Pictures intende subito adattare per il cinema. La notizia ha ovviamente fatto il giro del Mondo, e appena ha potuto Superhero Hype ha chiesto a Gerard Butler cosa ne pensava.

L'occasione si è presentata al Toronto Film Festival:

Ho sentito alcune voci di corridoio, ma per ora niente di più, non posso sapere se sarà un sequel o un prequel. Non voglio dire altro, perché non ne so niente, non ho letto nulla. Ma non riesco a vedermi nella cosa. Un sequel è assolutamente escluso, ma l'idea in genere non mi piace, non sono sicuro di dove porterebbe questa cosa.

L'impossibilità di partecipare a un sequel è abbastanza logica, a meno che Leonida risusciti. Ma anche se il film fosse un prequel, Butler non sembra affatto convinto della bontà dell'idea. Staremo a vedere...
view post Posted on 7/9/2008, 16:52

io spero proprio che non partecipi e basta.. -_-
*Erik's Lover*
view post Posted on 7/9/2008, 23:41

Non avrebbe senso significherebbe buttare al vento un mito se si facesse un sequel..
view post Posted on 15/9/2008, 18:52

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


In questo articolo finalmente sembra sia chiara la posizione a riguardo di Gerry:


With half-naked men, androgynous rulers and gruesome battles to satisfy even the most bloodthirsty viewer, 300 was a highly anticipated and outstandingly successful film by anyone's standards. Such success, especially with concerns over the future of movies, can be a lure for directors to retread ground that has proved profitable. But what should we make of this?

Zack Snyder and the producers of 300 have announced that a prequel or sequel will come out in 2010, four years after the first film. The ever-dashing Gerard Butler, who played the lead in the 2006 film, offered some haphazard comments in a recent interview, and while he cleverly avoided saying too much about his feelings towards a prequel or sequel, he seemed to establish that he did not wish to be a part of the film, going so far as to say, "I can't see it myself -- sequel for me absolutely not, but I just mean the idea generally, I'm really not sure which way they would go with that."
Is any film exempt from "franchisability"? That is, the attempt of a studio or director to add to what seems to be a finished product? In 2011 we shall see the Peter Jackson scripted The Hobbit come to light, a prequel to the enormously popular Lord of the Rings trilogy. Why can't the studios and the directors leave an idea finished, and allow it to stand, untainted by the impossibility that a sequel could be as good or better than the original? If a sequel has been planned from the beginning, with all the same people involved, the chances are good that it will be as good as the first film. This does not seem to be the case with 300.

Granted, 300 was one of the most exciting films to come out in recent years, the groundbreaking cinematography, rocking soundtrack and epic battle scenes set the standard and the look for films that were to come after, including the newest Snyder project, the eagerly anticipated Watchmen film. It's easy to understand why Zack Snyder might be eager to return to the whole world of 300, but there may not be a story to tell there. Very few characters even survived the original film, hardly leaving enough to populate a sequel, and while a prequel might be interesting, one wonders why it has to be tied to the original story in any way. Since the film was only loosely based in historical fact, it seems entirely possible that another film could be made, but at best, it would pale in comparison to just how original 300 was.

Whatever happens, it seems that Gerard Butler does not wish to be a part of another 300 film, that Zack Snyder is intent upon making it, and that we, the audience, will be left to decide with our dollars whether the film is worthy or not. I for one will enjoy 300 the way I see it, as a perfect standalone.

In sostanza,dopo una breve premessa sul film 300 e le ragioni del suo successo,si accenna al sequel/prequel e si riferisce che Gerard Butler -pur senza scendere nei particolari - avrebbe espresso la sua perplessità circa l'una e l'altra opzione...dichiarando che personalmente il sequel per lui era impossibile,essendo il suo personaggio morto...e il prequel....insomma l'idea in generale...non riusciva proprio a immaginarsela!
E a quanto pare nemmeno l'autore del blog,che tiene a sottolineare che la bellezza di 300 è anche nella sua 'unicità'!!!

Edited by arielcips - 15/9/2008, 20:30
view post Posted on 2/10/2008, 18:44

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Qui invece parla direttamente Zack Snyder:


I know, I know -- "sequelized" isn't a word, but it's the most fitting label I can come up with. Ever since 300 hit theaters in March 2007, there has been talk of creating some kind of spin off. Would it be a prequel? Would it be a sequel? Would it be some demented fever dream invented by one Cinematical blogger on a late Colorado night?

Well, someone finally asked a 300 alumni other than poor Gerard Butler. IESB.net caught up with director Zack Snyder, who revealed that 300 would receive the sequel treatment. Snyder did the impossible, and actually spoke to Frank Miller about it, and learned he's writing a graphic novel that takes place between Thermopylae and the Battle of Plataea which is seen at the end of the film. There's a mere year in between waiting to be populated with new Spartan heroes (though David Wenham's lone survivor, Dilios, could return) by way of Miller's pen. Snyder promises to direct the adaptation when Miller finishes the book.

There's certainly historical material to draw from -- the time between Thermopylae and Plataea was marked by several battles -- the naval Battle of Artemisium, which occurred alongside Thermopylae, and the Battle of Salamis. Both were victories for the Greek states (although Artemisium could be argued to be a draw), but not without cost. Several Greek cities, including Athens, suffered severe Persian attacks.

But while the Greco-Persian Wars are ripe for many stories and movies, I don't see any of them fitting the hyper-stylized mold of the original graphic novel or the film. The insanity of it all worked because it had a legendary story and king to anchor it down, and shine through the blood-splatters and giant rhinos. Why water that down? As fond as I am of Snyder, Miller and violent boys in leather pants, I wish they would just let the Spartans lie.
view post Posted on 3/10/2008, 20:02

L'articolo tratto da un sito italiano:

Il sequel di 300 sarà la Battaglia di Platea?


Scritto da Andrea
venerdì 03 ottobre 2008
Arrivano i primi dettagli sul prequel/sequel di 300: pare che il film, adattamento di una nuova graphic novel di Frank Miller, mostrerà gli eventi della Battaglia di Platea...

IESB ha rivelato i primi possibili dettagli sulla trama della graphic novel che Frank Miller svilupperà a breve e dalla quale verrà adattato il sequel cinematografico di 300, già annunciato dal regista Zack Snyder come uno dei suoi prossimi film.

Sembra che la storia sarà ambientata tra la Battaglia delle Termopili e la Battaglia di Platea, ovvero quella che Dilios (il narratore di 300) combatte durante il monologo finale. Si tratta dell'ultima grande battaglia tra i Greci e i Persiani: si svolse nel 479 avanti Cristo e vide contrapporsi una alleanza tra le città stato di Atene, Sparta, Corinto, Megara e altre contro i Persiani: 40,000 greci contro 120,000.

La storia si svolgerà in quell'anno che intercorre tra i fatti di 300 e quell'ultima scena nel film, e sarà quindi sia un prequel che un sequel.

Per quanto riguarda le tempistiche, comunque, manca ancora molto tempo: Miller deve finire The Spirit, e poi inizierà a lavorare a questo fumetto (sempre che non ci sia Sin City 2 di mezzo, cosa molto probabile); solo quando la graphic novel sarà completata si parlerà della produzione del film, che comunque la Warner vuole vedere realizzato a tutti i costi.
view post Posted on 6/10/2008, 20:35

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Ancora un'anticipazione:


SB Exclusive: 300 Sequel/Prequel Storyline Revealed!

Written by Stephanie Sanchez
Wednesday, 01 October 2008
When does the second 300 film take place? Director Zack Snyder spills the beans to IESB's Robert Sanchez!

The release of 300 back in 2007, marked the biggest opening weekend ever in March and was the third biggest opening for an R-rated film ever. Directed by Zack Snyder, the film was based on the graphic novel of the same name was written and illustrated by Frank Miller.
With the successful reception the film received, it's no wonder that a sequel has been on the minds of fans everywhere. The studio, Warner Bros., and producers agree and are apparently waiting for a story from Miller to move forward.

The big question for fans seems to be if the 300 sequel/prequel is in fact a sequel or a prequel? Well, Snyder tells us, honestly, both.

IESB's Robert Sanchez spoke with Zack Snyder at the WATCHMEN preview held in Hollywood for press today.

At the end of the Q&A session following a screening of the footage (which by the way was mind blowing and we will have much more on later), a journalist asked if the actors for Watchmen had a sequel clause.

In short, Snyder said he didn't know if they did, but said there could not be a sequel or a prequel to Watchmen. He continued that if there was, he would not be a part of it.

This was a great segue for Sanchez to address the 300 sequel talk as he met up with the director for an impromptu conversation at the bar during the cocktail reception following the event.

So when does the second 300 film take place?

In short, Snyder says he's spoken with Frank Miller who will be writing and drawing the graphic novel that the second film will be based on. Upon Miller's completion of the book, then, and only then, will they delve into writing a script for the movie.

Snyder continued and said he would not have any input into the novel and wants it to be a creation of Miller's 100%.

Snyder also said it will take place between the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Plataea, the battle that narrator Dilios is at while re-telling the story of King Leonidas and the mighty Spartans to a new group of warriors at the end of 300.
As Dilios says, there's a whole year between Thermopylae and where he currently stands, in his final monologue he states,

“And so my king died, and my brothers died, barely a year ago. Long I pondered my king's cryptic talk of victory. Time has proven him wise, for from free Greek to free Greek, the word was spread that bold Leonidas and his three hundred, so far from home, laid down their lives. Not just for Sparta, but for all Greece and the promise this country holds.

Now, here on this ragged patch of earth called Plataea, Xerxes's hordes face obliteration!

Just there the barbarians huddle, sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers... knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of three hundred. Yet they stare now across the plain at 10,000 Spartans commanding thirty thousand free Greeks! HA-OOH!”

There is a whole year between the battles to explore. And that is where we will find this film.

I would assume Dilios has a large part in it with hopefully David Wenham coming back to reprise his role.

Snyder also told IESB that would definitely direct this sequel/prequel and is looking forward to Miller's completion of the book.

Stay tuned to the IESB for the latest news!
view post Posted on 15/12/2008, 13:54

Finalmente Frank Miller ha fugato i dubbi, il seguito di 300 non sarà un prequel, ma appunto un seguito che racconterà un altro episodio delle guerre tra greci e persiani e che comprenderà alcuni dei personaggi già visti in 300. Frank Miller comunque non è ancora sicuro che il film verrà realizzato, anche se lui ha già scritto la storia.

Ok, possiamo metterci l'anima in pace, Gerry non potrebbe esserci neppure se volesse. :D

No Prequel Film for '300'
December 15, 2008 08:14:11 GMT


'300' creator, Frank Miller, slammed down speculation that the next '300' movie to be made will pick up a prequel story to the Greek warriors movie.

In contrary to director Zack Snyder's remark that forthcoming "300" prequel/sequel will be both prequel and sequel, comic book writer-director Frank Miller claimed that the possible follow-up movie won't be a prequel. Talking to Superhero Hype! on Saturday, December 13, the helmer of "The Spirit" fessed up, "I've written a story that's not a prequel."

Though explaining that the story he has written is a follow-up of the Greek warriors movie, the 51-year-old still played it coy. "It's definitely a further story in the Greco-Persian Wars," he said, "and it involves some of the same characters but I'm not sure exactly how far along it'll get and again, until it's on a marquee, I don't believe in it."

Meanwhile, when asked whether he will direct "Sin City 2" by himself or he will collaborate with Robert Rodriguez again, he stated that he is indeed looking forward to work with the director of "Desperado 2: Once Upon a Time in Mexico". "I hope to work with Robert," he gushed. "We're talking it over and trying to work out the mechanics of actually getting it made. It's always tricky with movies. I believe that a movie's going to come out as soon as I see its name on a marquee."

"300" itself is a 2007 epic battle film that chronicles the story of King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans who fight to their death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army in ancient battle of Thermopylae. Based on the epic graphic novel by Frank Miller, it stars Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, David Wenham and Dominic West among others. Released on March 9, 2007, it grosses $456.1 million worldwide.
view post Posted on 6/4/2009, 18:24

Sembra ormai definitivo, il seguito di 300 sarà incentrato sui 12 mesi tra la battaglia delle Termopili e la battaglia di Platea, pare che Frank Miller sia già al lavoro.

EXCLUSIVE: Zack Snyder Reveals Setting For Revolutionary ‘300’ Follow-Up


'300'Three years ago, “300” Spartans dined in hell — and judging by the more than $200 million the film grossed domestically, a lot of fans found their meal to be quite delicious. But — spoiler alert! — since almost everyone died at the end, can there ever be a sequel? And if so, would director Zack Snyder be interested in getting behind the camera?

With one simple word, Snyder addressed all of the above: “Sure,” he grinned.

About a year ago, news broke that Frank Miller was developing a “300” quasi-sequel. Snyder, who was in Las Vegas this week to pick up a Director of the Year award at ShoWest, revealed that he has indeed heard Miller’s idea for a graphic novel about the events that followed the key battle of “300” — and he likes it.

“There’s something that happens in history between Leonidas dying at the Hot Gates and Platea,” Snyder said. “That’s a year that’s left out of the [original] movie. A lot happened.”

Although it was dramatized terrifically, Snyder’s “300” told the story of the Battle of Thermopylae, which occurred in 480 BC. The film’s final moments mention that one year later, at Platea, 10,000 Spartan warriors helped defeat a huge Persian force; in a historical context, an equally important event occurred when the Athenian navy crushed the Persians in the battle of Salamis. According to Snyder, “300 Part II” will focus on the intense 12 months when these battles were taking place.

“Frank is definitely working on an idea,” Snyder explained. “If Frank comes up with a great idea and draws something cool, there’s no reason why we wouldn’t make another movie.”

So, in essence, the “300” follow-up wouldn’t be a prequel that could bring back Gerard Butler and the other stars; it also wouldn’t be a traditional sequel with mostly all-new stars. Instead, Snyder and Miller hope to make a film that occurs somewhere around 7/8 of the way through “300,” expanding on the moment. And although such an idea seems somewhat revolutionary, would you expect anything less from the guy who made such a defiantly loyal “Watchmen” movie?

“If Frank does something great then yes,” Snyder said, insisting he’s behind Miller’s irreverent idea, and can’t wait to read the follow-up graphic novel. “It’s on him now.”
view post Posted on 25/6/2009, 11:55


300: un sequel... con gli steroidi

Il regista Zack Snyder annuncia che Frank Miller sta già lavorando al seguito del cinecomic. Che promette di essere ancora più colossale…
25/06/2009 -

Il sequel di 300 si farà. Anzi, è già nelle mani (anzi, sotto le matite) di Frank Miller. Lo ha dichiarato il regista Zack Snyder, quest’anno sugli schermi con il semi-flop Watchmen : «So per certo che Frank sta già pensando al film, che ha intenzione di sviluppare prima come fumetto. Lo sta disegnando ed è in piena fase creativa: dovrebbe andare presto in Grecia per un’altra ricognizione sul posto…». Snyder ha anche rivelato che utilizzerà la stessa iconografia e la stessa tecnologia del primo episodio, ma puntando a un risultato ancora più colossale. Anche se la sua idea è quella di non allontanarsi troppo dal budget del film originale (65 milioni di dollari circa, contro gli oltre 456 incassati nel mondo). «Gli effetti digitali che abbiamo creato con 300 – continua Snyder – sono stati assolutamente rivoluzionari. Era un po’ come le previsioni del tempo, solo che come sfondo invece del meteo c’era… Sparta! Anche il seguito sarà così, ma sarà come se avesse assunto steroidi molto più potenti…». Il film potrebbe uscire nel 2010, anche se ad alcuni sembra troppo presto: Snyder, attualmente, è infatti impegnato con la pellicola d’animazione Guardians of Ga’Hoole e poi dovrebbe dirigere il fantasy-thriller Sucker Punch, con Vanessa Hudgens.

ecco le ultime news in merito al sequel di 300

Però se lui accettasse di partecipare al sequel, si potrebbe fare... magari qualche flashback in cui potrebbe comparire no?

Edited by gemini78 - 25/6/2009, 15:16
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