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view post Posted on 18/7/2009, 19:02 by: gemini78


Secondo questo articolo Lunedì e martedì scorso alcune fans hanno incontrato Gerry sul set e hanno avuto delle belle esperienze. Tutte hanno detto che è stato davvero gentile e ha anche posato con la sua piccola Lolita in una foto.
A quanto pare invece non sarebbe altrettanto gentile la Aniston che ignora i fans e non si ferma a firmare autografi, una fans che aveva chiesto gentilmente un autografo si è detta molto delusa e ha ricevuto pure una brutta risposta da una tipa che era con la Aniston che le ha detto che gli attori hanno anche una vita e non possono passare tutto il giorno a firmare autografi, benchè lei se ne stesse già andando dopo essersi sentita dire di no.

"The Bounty": Jen Aniston Hates Fans While Gerard Butler Loves To Pose

Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston have been filming The Bounty in New York City for the past few weeks. Fans of both stars have ventured out to various filming locations around the city and have had strikingly different experiences based on whether they spotted Gerard Butler or Jennifer Aniston.

On Monday and Tuesday several women met Gerard on the set and had great experiences. All said he was very nice and he even posed with his dog for one fan photo.

On the other hand, no one seems to have had a pleasant encounter with Jennifer Aniston. A fan was on the set today and wanted to approach Jen to take a picture with her and was ignored. Later she was scolded by one of Aniston's handlers. The fan explained on OLV, saying, "Honestly no one was around to bother her and I went to walk over to ask if she would take a picture and when she saw me about to ask she just turned around and ignored me and kept walking to her trailer and literally no one was there to bother so she could have taken one picture. I asked some woman that came with her nicely if she usually takes pictures and she said no not at all so I was polite and said OK and walked away and I was on the phone by the corner and when that same woman walked by me she was nasty and said you know they have a life they can’t just take pictures all day. I really wanted to say something back but I just ignored her. But I thought that was wrong to say because I wasn’t hanging around there bothering her I asked her nicely and when she said she doesn’t take pictures I went to leave."

Apparently, Gerard Butler hasn't let fame go to his head like his co-star who now thinks she is too good to meet with a fan.

The Bounty is due in theaters next year.
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