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view post Posted on 26/10/2009, 18:35

CITAZIONE (nikuzzact @ 26/10/2009, 15:56)
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...ahahahahah...siamo le esploratrici alla ricerca del Graal(e ke Graal :sbav: )...
mmm...nemmeno ho letto alcune di quelle scritte in questo forum...trp belline :woot:

E che Graal, lo puoi dire forte!!!!!! :censura: :censura:

quando ho tempo ne leggo qualcuna, magari ne scrivo una anche io.. ;)

sono ben accetti i suggerimenti....
view post Posted on 26/10/2009, 22:44

sono ben accetti i suggerimenti.... Ariel... :rolleyes:
view post Posted on 17/11/2009, 20:27

Non abbiamo l'intervista ma almeno le foto si...

E chi lo dice??? Qui potete ascoltare l'intervista rilasciata durante il programma di Julia Sutherland and Annie McGuire!!! :clap: :clap: (+/- fino al 21esimo minuto)

Qui invece l'intervista con Scott Mills!!! :applauso: :applauso:

Prima che mi rimproveriate...Lo so che non sarebbe questo il post giusto ma non so quale sia :ops:
view post Posted on 17/11/2009, 20:55

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


... come potremmo dirti nulla,Lilli! sei una forza!!!...
view post Posted on 17/11/2009, 21:06

si...grazie Lilly... :bacio:
view post Posted on 17/11/2009, 21:41

CITAZIONE (arielcips @ 17/11/2009, 20:55)
... come potremmo dirti nulla,Lilli! sei una forza!!!...

Quoto in toto!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
view post Posted on 18/11/2009, 01:29

CITAZIONE (lillika @ 17/11/2009, 20:27)
E chi lo dice??? Qui potete ascoltare l'intervista rilasciata durante il programma di Julia Sutherland and Annie McGuire!!! :clap: :clap: (+/- fino al 21esimo minuto)

Ma chi è la tipa che parla all'inizio?? Perchè è una delle Gals ma non ho capito chi... le tizie che l'intervistano la stanno prendendo pure in giro, mi sembra... Non tanto carine!!
view post Posted on 18/11/2009, 01:47

Ma chi è la tipa che parla all'inizio?? Perchè è una delle Gals ma non ho capito chi... le tizie che l'intervistano la stanno prendendo pure in giro, mi sembra... Non tanto carine!!

Dovrebbe essere Dayna!! :rolleyes:
view post Posted on 18/11/2009, 15:27

CITAZIONE (lillika @ 18/11/2009, 01:47)
Ma chi è la tipa che parla all'inizio?? Perchè è una delle Gals ma non ho capito chi... le tizie che l'intervistano la stanno prendendo pure in giro, mi sembra... Non tanto carine!!

Dovrebbe essere Dayna!! :rolleyes:

Cosa dicono di preciso? E' inutile che lo ascolti, tanto non ci capisco un bel niente.
view post Posted on 20/11/2009, 23:31

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


nuova intervista radio

Our friend James Kleinmann has been at it again and this time has scored an interview with lead actor, Gerard Butler from his new movie, Law Abiding Citizen which is out next Friday (27th November) in UK Cinemas.

view post Posted on 1/12/2009, 13:05

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


nuova intervista per BBC 1 :)
Andate direttamente a minuto 2:40 circa
view post Posted on 17/3/2010, 22:01

Con un "piccolissimo" aiuto di Dianne ecco la trascrizione dell'intervista di Gerry da Scott Mills

Well done Dianne!!! Thanks a lot for your help!! :bacio:

DJ: Gerard Buter, Hello!

G: Hello, how are you. I’m very good, very good.

DJ: The reason Gerard is laughing is because he knows about these miles from (something) for sport relief. Can I talk you through my day today?

G: Yeah, yeah, I’d love to hear it.

DJ: I’m out with a trainer called Andy, nice guy. I’m doing these (something) from Hell. I’m in training I went to (something) park in London, I have sparring gloves on like Rocky. I had lycra pants on and a cod piece and every time someone would walk past the trainer shouts, “Go on do a Rocky!” I’m in lycra and I go (makes noise) and there’s these poor people going… and there is clearly a woman on the phone going, “I’ve never seen anything like this before!” Then there’s a man running past pretending to be Rocky Balboa in a cod piece! Eh, that’s my day… Now I don’t know any of these miles right I’m doing for sports relief but I know the one that doesn’t speak has kind of written them down for you and is writing some more down right now, the things I have to do next week.

G: right…

DJ: Next week

G: The first one is so far the best and personally I don’t know how you’re going to get through these, I’d love to tell you but obviously I can’t.

DJ: What’s this last one?

G: It’s very weird because (Mumbles) the people at home and all they’re hearing is (mumble, mumble..laugh)

DJ: You’ll find out next week.

G: Yeah…

DJ: so I saw your new film today!


DJ: Bounty Hunter

G: Right…

DJ: we need to do the news but we’ll have a chat after… Gerard Butler stay with us…….

News sorry I can’t edit this.

DJ: Gerard Butler here….Hello… Thanks for coming back in.

G: Oh a pleasure, you know how much I love it here, so..

DJ: You haven’t been to Sheffield in a while because you’ve been all over the place…

G: I have yeah, I’ve been a traveling man.

DJ: Where you been?

G: I was mostly in LA. I went to New York for a few days, then went down to Mexico for Jennifer Aniston’s birthday, um.. there was fifty-five of us by the way… before you ask…

DJ: No, no, I’m not even going to ask that question…

G: Then Brazil – Carnival

DJ: I’ve asked you that question so much now, that I’m not even going to ask you this time cause we always ask you about you and Jennifer, you always say no and I don’t even care. I don’t even want to know now.

G: That’s kind of weird…

DJ: you can say Scot we’re married actually, me and Jennifer Aniston and I don’t even care.

FDJ: Look at him, he could care less.

DJ: Do I look like I’m bothered?

G: No the weird thing now is it is actually bothering me. Weird, I’m not used to this, somebody has got to ask me… anybody? No….

DJ: And every time we meet…

FDJ: It’s really freaking you out, he doesn’t know what to say…

G: I’m all edgy now…

DJ: Every time we meet from now on Gerry, I’m never going to ask you again..

DJ: I’m going to ask you again… no, I’m not, I’m not.. So I went to see Bounty Hunter and about two hours ago actually. There is one thing that I would like to say; I’d like you to get a new shirt, just because it’s the same one all the way through apart from the bit in the hotel. What is that all about? This is a checked shirt, you can borrow this one if you want….

G: I know, I know… It did make the costume thing a whole lot easier, but it’s true I did wear the same shirt the all the way through.

DJ: Yeah.

G: Actually if you add up how much we spend on various costumes we actually spend more time choosing this one because I was wearing it the whole way through so…

DJ: So it was conscious?

G: Yeah it was conscious…

DJ: So it wasn’t like you just couldn’t be bothered?

G: No.

DJ: So tell us a bit more about the film because obviously people haven’t seen it yet. What happens because I think you and Jennifer are a good Rom-Com couple?

G: Yeah Rom-Com couple because in real life you really don’t care.

DJ: Yeah, I don’t care in real life.

G: So

DJ: Yeah lets talk about movies now.

G: I play, I play a New York cop who basically messed up my career, turned bounty hunter, and I’m given the job to go arrest Jen who’s a reporter for this murder case and she’s also my ex-wife so this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me because we hate each other with a passion.

DJ: The thing you do with her toothbrush is not nice.

G: Yeah, yeah, I agree, and there are a lot of things I do to her that are not nice.

FDJ: I think an old boyfriend did that to a toothbrush of one of my old house mate of mine if it’s the same thing and I remember seeing him and I was like *gasp* no she’s not that horrible to me!

DJ: that’s not nice.

G: There’s a lot of not nice things. And um, it’s basically me trying to get her back to prison. Were chased by money lenders I owe money too and corrupt cops that are trying too kill her and other journalists are trying to get on to the case so its kind of a midnight Express meets War of the Roses.

FDJ: Do you get to wear and amazing long blond locks like Dog the
Bounty Hunter?

G: No!

FDJ: No?

G: No

DJ: Just like Cher…

FDJ: I imagine you with big long blond hair…

G: No, no, no, I get to just come out like me.

DJ: I’ll tell you what there is a lot of in that film which is this… noisy eating, it’s on a lot.

G: Is that mostly me?

DJ: Yeah, I think obviously that’s supposed to be in the film.

G: Well it is, but it’s always a choice and I do remember the director saying, “You don’t have to eat in every scene.” It’s important; I need to eat Doritos in this scene and a burrito in that scene. And, and its funny, there is a way to learn eat small amounts, put small amounts in your mouth and make it look like you’re eating a lot, but I’m not very good at that. So that first day I literally had twenty-seven burritos we had to eat. I wouldn’t finish the whole one..

DJ: The scene in the restaurant where you just had to stuff it in…

G: And I’m also pouring hot sauce…

DJ: Yes…

G: So I’m literally hot sauce, hot sauce, hot sauce… So I’m chowing this down and then we’d go and every time you’d have to start with a fresh one, and I got to tell you, but the end of that day I was so ill that I yeah… But it just had to be, it had to be…

DJ: Real

G: Exactly.

DJ: It’s good that you work as a Rom-Com couple because you did sign something for us do you have that? You did sign on the dotted line…

FDJ: I just happen to have it here.

DJ: Last time that you would (Mumble)…

FDJ: Did you actually sign this or did someone else… that is you…

DJ: Is that your writing?

G: Yeah.

DJL: We were so happy when that came through.

FDJ: It’s bee by my desk ever since.

DJ: We put it upstairs right next to our desks.

G: I can’t wait for the first day on set.. Yeah, yeah, yeah…

DJ: Remember that now?

FDJ: As promised.

DJ: It clearly says, “Can’t wait for the first day on set.” Which means (mumbles)…

FDJ: And you clearly signed… look…

G: Oh it’s like a contract…. I didn’t really mean it…

FDJ: So it has your face on it so it’s doubly meaningful.

DJ: Can we just go through the plot of the new film that you’re going to be in?

G: Please.

DJ: Jennifer is in it too. You can persuade her with… we’ve had this conversation…Ok, what happens, here’s some, here’s some music. Jennifer Aniston plays a chemistry teacher called Miss Bosket she’s a teacher in a posh school in New York. She’s a bit flustered, she’s not a very strict teacher and she is on the verge of being sacked. And you know why that is Gerry?

G: No

DJ: Well the kids just run riot in her lessons… That’s them there now… You, think about it… You are Eric McGrady and you are a mild mannered chemistry technician…that’s you in the lab…. Is there anything you want to say Eric?

G: Ok, everybody listen up and stop making all that racket um yeah… he gets to be Scottish, yeah? That’s good it makes a nice change…

DJ: Yeah a nice change, you get to be Scottish so yeah… People think you’re a bit of a weirdo though Eric, apart from your best friend Arty the janitor who is played by Matt Damon. Now you really fancy Miss Bosket. She’s nice to you but she really doesn’t know how you feel about her. Now in her spare time Miss Bosket is trying to find a cure for the disease you have. It’s a fairly embarrassing disease. You have something called flatulatous. Basically your body can’t control the amount of gas you expel from it. Any moment you could just literally fart yourself to death and that would be it, you would be dead…

G: There’s no acting required for this you know! <fart sound> Oh there I go!

DJ: Though if Miss Bosket gets fired she can’t use the chemistry lab to find the cure for your terrible, awful disease. Then…. Are you still with me?

G: I’m still with you…

DJ: Then one day in the lab, you knock over a jar which contains a ghost. Now the ghost is Miss Boskets great grandmother who died in a freak chemistry lesson accident, cause she was a teacher at the school as well before she blew-up one day in class. Now this leads to lots of identity mix ups between the real Miss Bosket and the ghost of her great grandmother, and then you fall in love. Can you find a cure before you fart yourself to death… Do you like it…

G: I love it!

DJ: It’s called Love Flatulently.

G: Love Flatulently…

DJ: That’s the idea, you got to tell Jen and that’s it, may be we can record so kind of trailer at some point. I mean the farting to death thing, I mean you know these things you know the script… (laugh mumbles) It would be good.

G: I brought some air freshener with me. Yeah, uh I mean yeah it’s a winner! I mean its commercial its…

DJ: Now the one with David Hasselhoff with snakes while you strain was a hit, yeah…

G: As I pointed out David Hasslehoff doesn’t do movies.

DJ: Yeah you day that, but he did do Anaconda III.

G: Yeah which I still can’t believe was a movie…

DJ: Do you want to borrow it? I actually possess a copy on DVD.

G: Let me borrow your Anaconda III

DJ: Seriously the special effects are something else…

G: Really?

DJ: Yeah, yeah, they really are…


DJ: So I think that’s a provisional…

G: I tell you what.

DJ: Now I know you have a lot going on Gerard.

G: Yeah but she doesn’t, she’s struggling. I think she’s really going to want to take this role on, because she’ll get to play two roles as well.

DJ: Yeah she’ll get to play her great grandma that died in the freak explosion.

G: Yeah get paid twice.

DJ: Yeah, that’s true. Yeah she’d love that so brilliant, let’s talk about this off air. Let’s talk about as well what you are going to do after this interview today and how excited you are.

G: OK this happened this morning but I missed the game because I thought because I thought I could see Portal…. What… …well then lets move on…

DJ: oh you don’t understand

DJ: No, I don’t understand I just need explain it really cause I don’t get it.

G: Oh Ok so I missed the game, I went to the Phantom Premier the sequel which was very last minute. So but tonight I found out I could actually get up to the… (Soccer game.. I’m American don’t know the teams). Ok so this is not how I live my life… so if I jump on a helicopter and fly up there with a couple of buddies. So I’m super excited, filing for bankruptcy, but I’m going to do it in the morning after the helicopter ride.

FDJ: You were genuinely excited when you said how you were getting on a helicopter…(then she goes on about how excited he is…)

G: Yeah absolutely I think I only done that… I mean I have been on a helicopter before but for me to actually go ahead and book a helicopter and do something so… I mean yeah its cool, we are rushing off to the helipad and jumping up to.. it’s like Bond… I feel like Obama…Yeah… I kind of look like Obama as well so it’s you know, weird questions but I know he’s a big (Mumble) fan.

DJ: Now you’ve got to go very soon…

G: Yeah I do, i got a football match to go to!

FDJ: You tell us you have other engagements, just running off to the game.

G: Yeah I keep going to explain and my publicist says shh, don’t say it, don’t say it…

DJ: I love it because you are still genuinely excited about it. Do you have to ride in private jets all the time now?

G: I get to do them a little more often, I normally hitchhike on to somebody else who’s got them, or maybe the studio will get it, because sometimes it’s a lot quicker and you don’t get the press and you swear to God…

FDJ: Whose jet have you hitchhiked on? Do you stand at the end of the room with your thumb out?

G: Yeah, pretty much, pretty much.

FDJ: Whose said yes and whose turned you down? Whose like, ‘Oh no, it’s him again, fly on!” Do you have a sign that says Vegas?

G: It’s normally studio jets like Warner Bros or Sony. Although I have to say, two nights ago at the Oscars I had dinner with John Travolta and he flies. What does he fly?

FDJ: He’s got his own massive plane, commercial plane.

G: Believe it or not the director of the Bounty Hunter was a dancer in Grease, and they’re like best friends for many years. And every couple of years, there’s like six of them and they all take off, and I had a chat with John the other night, and I said, “I want to be part of this gang!” And I think he’s going to take us on the 7-0, 7-0 something.

FDJ: Yeah, like everyone else has a driveway, have you seen the aerial shots of his house- his plane…

G: If you zoom in. If you see that little black speck at the end of the runway, that’s me with that sign..

DJ: That’s you! Alright, we’ve got to let you go. There’s people telling me to wrap it up. So thank you very much for coming in again. I know we’ll see you soon and thank you for being ace, thank you Gerard.

G: Thank you.
view post Posted on 7/9/2011, 22:40

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale



potete scaricare(o semplicemente ascoltare) il podcast con l'intervista a Gerry di oggi...sono 40 minuti di registrazione ma voi potete passare direttamente a min.32 ;)

edit:qui potete scaricare gli 8 minuti che ci interessano(grazie Enri ;) )

Edited by sabrinta - 8/9/2011, 00:08
view post Posted on 7/9/2011, 22:48

Gli fanno le stesse domande? Meglio saperlo, almeno non si perde tempo a riascoltare le stesse cose :D
view post Posted on 7/9/2011, 23:04

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


grazie ad Enrica,eccovi la registrazione dell'intervista radiofonica per WLS-AM andata in onda poco fa:

Gli fanno le stesse domande?

beh più o meno...ogni tanto c'è qualche aneddoto in più ma le domande di base sono quelle

Edited by sabrinta - 8/9/2011, 00:43
67 replies since 23/10/2009, 13:54   960 views