Machine gun preacher - articoli e interviste

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view post Posted on 18/4/2011, 17:48

CITAZIONE (gra70 @ 18/4/2011, 16:15) 
but Gerard said he was too ’timidated to be around me, so they didn’t even want me on set.

“I met him several times, and I said to him if you’re ’timidated to be around me, maybe you shouldn’t have took the part,”

Caro ( si fa per dire <_< ) Sam,
fatti una domanda e datti una risposta....
se questo era il tuo atteggiamento certo che per Gerry doveva essere una gioia averti intorno!!!
E poi ti lamenti pure che non voleva manco vederti?? Mavava...
:bash: :bash: :bash:

Straquoto!!! :angry: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash:
Se proprio Gerry non gli andava a genio, poteva dirlo prima che iniziassero le riprese del film! :bash:
view post Posted on 18/4/2011, 20:28

CITAZIONE (sabrinta @ 11/4/2011, 11:01)
quest'uomo continua a non piacermi,non ha mai una parola buona per l'attore che interpreta il suo ruolo,anzi! <_< :angry:

CITAZIONE (gemini78 @ 11/4/2011, 14:40)
Che grandissimo stronzo! (per non dire di peggio) :angry: :angry: :bash: :bash:
Sarà anche un grande benefattore, ma sinceramente non gli darei un soldo!

CITAZIONE (Mina* @ 11/4/2011, 18:38)
Qualsiasi cosa gli chiedano, parla sempre male di Gerry! <_< :bash: :bash: :bash:

CITAZIONE (jiujiu @ 17/4/2011, 22:08)
secondo me gli rode che non possa interpretare lui stesso il film.... :fisch:

ragazzeee nn siete state voi.... vero??? :angel:
SPOILER (click to view)

:lol: cmq scherzo ;) rispetto x quest'uomo
spero si possa ricredere su Gerry

Edited by valeriaw468 - 18/4/2011, 21:50
view post Posted on 18/4/2011, 20:38

:eheh: fantastico!

ragazzeee nn siete state voi.... vero???

Noooooiiiii??? :o: (:fisch: :angel: :angel: )

Edited by gemini78 - 18/4/2011, 21:55
view post Posted on 18/4/2011, 20:57

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


:eheh: :eheh: muaaahahahahahah...ehm... :P
view post Posted on 19/4/2011, 10:04

CITAZIONE (valeriaw468 @ 18/4/2011, 21:28) 
ragazzeee nn siete state voi.... vero??? :angel:
SPOILER (click to view)

Ma scherzi? ( :fisch: )
view post Posted on 16/6/2011, 23:47

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


in questo articolo commentano la recitazione di Gerry in questo film,anche se sarcasticamente -_-

Apparently Butler's performance is on par with that of Halle Berry's in Monster's Ball (which seems like a somewhat arbitrary comparison, but hey, what do I know). Though Lionsgate acquired the film last fall, their bill is too full to handle it and it's been handed to Relativity.

Does Machine Gun Preacher look good to you guys? Are you as surprised as we are to learn that Gerard Butler can act?
view post Posted on 25/7/2011, 10:01

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


articolo di USA Today:

Sneak peek: Gerard Butler in 'Machine Gun Preacher'

Gerard Butler has never shied away from real-life warriors, both heroic (Spartan ruler Leonidas in 300) and villainous (the heinous Hun in Attila).

But as the God-fearing, firepower-toting Sam Childers in Machine Gun Preacher, opening Sept. 23, the Scottish actor plays a man whose ongoing 13-year quest to end atrocities committed against the children of Sudan sometimes places him on the moral divide between right and wrong.

"Those other roles were based on historic characters who became the stuff of legend, but Sam is a guy of our times," Butler says of the Pennsylvania-based crusader who founded an orphanage in Africa as a haven for the abused would-be recruits of the Lord's Resistance Army. "There is more complexity in a modern-day character who's a drug addict and a biker turned businessman, missionary and soldier. You don't get roles like this very often."

Especially one that gave him the somewhat daunting opportunity to do research in person.

"When I walked into Sam's house, he had been so built up by everyone, I didn't know what to expect," Butler says. "I met this absolutely dominant alpha male who on one hand loves the attention but on the other hand loves the company of his family and friends. This is his story and this is his moment to tell it to the world. I had to bow down to that. But there is a darkness in him as well. He could not go through all the things that are in the movie by being Mr. Nice Guy."

Director Marc Forster (Monster's Ball) was eager to present an imperfect hero on-screen. And he felt Butler was the perfect choice. "He's one of those movie stars today that I feel is a real man. There are very few around. He has this incredible rawness."

As effective as Childers is as a savior, his use of violent means has made him controversial, and Butler says that can make him seem like a self-appointed vigilante.

But all the actor had to do to remind himself of the reason behind his character's extreme actions was to flip through a book with photos of rescued children, many mutilated by their captors. As he says, "They are some of the most beautiful children I have ever seen."
view post Posted on 25/7/2011, 15:49

He's one of those movie stars today that I feel is a real man. There are very few around. He has this incredible rawness."

Ecco, pure il regista gli ha dato del grezzone :lol:
view post Posted on 25/7/2011, 20:00

CITAZIONE (gemini78 @ 25/7/2011, 16:49) 
He's one of those movie stars today that I feel is a real man. There are very few around. He has this incredible rawness."

Ecco, pure il regista gli ha dato del grezzone :lol:

Si fa sempre riconoscere!! :lol:
view post Posted on 29/7/2011, 07:41

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


In vista dell'uscita settembrina del film,finalmente un'intervista che rivela l'apprezzamento di Childers per Gerry:,3245025.story

The Rev. Sam Childers, pastor of Shekinah Fellowship in Reels Corner, hopes the movie about his life inspires people to do good in their own hometowns.

“I was a scum-bucket, the lowest person on earth,” Childers said in a telephone interview from Africa. He was on his way to the Sudan and is going to Somalia next week. “If God can use me, think what he can do for you.”

Thirty years ago during the worst part of his life, Childers was a drug dealer and a hired gun for drug dealers.

“One day I just woke up and knew the drugs were going to kill me,” he said. “I found God.”

He and his wife, Lynn, started a church in Clear Spring, Md., in 1995. It was on his first trip in 1998 to the Sudan that he received his calling to save children from war. He started the orphanage Angels of East Africa for abused would-be recruits of the Lord’s Resistance Army. His book “Another Man’s War: The True Story of One Man’s Battle to Save Children in the Sudan” was published in 2009. His use of violence makes his story controversial.

“Relatives said Sam, you didn’t have to tell everything,” he said. “I feel we can’t do something big if we let the little things in our closet hold us back.”

The movie based on his book, “Machine Gun Preacher,” opens Sept. 23, according to Relativity Media, which is marketing and distributing the movie. Gerard Butler stars as Childers and Michelle Monaghan plays Lynn Childers.

Marc Forster directed “Machine Gun Preacher.” It was filmed in Detroit and Africa. Jason Keller wrote the screenplay.

“Let’s be real, it doesn’t matter what I think about Gerard Butler playing me. Gerard Butler is one of the top 10 actors in the U.S.,” Childers said. “I’m a hillbilly from Pennsylvania. If he plays my part as well as he played in “Law Abiding Citizen,” it will be a good movie.”

In “Law Abiding Citizen” Butler played a man whose wife and daughter were murdered.

“This is a powerful story, and we feel strongly that it is one audiences need to see,” Relativity’s president of worldwide production, Tucker Tooley, said in a statement on the company’s website. “Forster once again proves that he is among the best directors of our time and Butler delivers a career-defining performance bolstered by a rock solid supporting cast.”

Childers built the motorcycles used in the movie. He hasn’t seen the movie, but an August preview is planned for him, his family and friends. Childers is being booked for a media tour across the U.S.

“It’s funny, when I wrote the book, I felt strange, then I got email from people around the world who said the book changed their lives,” Childers said. “I hope the movie does the same thing. You don’t have to go around the world to save children. You can do something in your own hometown.”

Not all of his work is in Africa. He spends five months a year on tour speaking about the dangers of drugs and alcohol at high schools, colleges, churches and prisons.

“If you go into a high school dressed up, the kids won’t listen,” he said. “I go in on my motorcycle. I have a big rig at my shop on Route 30, the size of a tractor-trailer, and I bring in choppers and a stereo system. The last thing the kids think I’ll talk about is drugs and alcohol.”

Childers’ second book, “Living on the Edge,” is not going to be published for eight to 12 months so as not to conflict with the movie. He has an Angels of East Africa office along Route 30 about a half-mile from Reels Corner. His motorcycle shop is in the same location and he has a motorcycle that he built for Butler on display.

“I want to thank everybody in our area for backing me,” Childers said. “I took eight tractor-trailer loads of food and supplies to people after Katrina that was donated by people in our area who support our work. I didn’t realize how many people there support our work."
view post Posted on 29/7/2011, 09:52

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


ah beh un leggero miglioramento... *_*
view post Posted on 29/7/2011, 10:41

Meglio tardi che mai!
view post Posted on 29/7/2011, 12:10

“Let’s be real, it doesn’t matter what I think about Gerard Butler playing me. Gerard Butler is one of the top 10 actors in the U.S.,” Childers said. “I’m a hillbilly from Pennsylvania. If he plays my part as well as he played in “Law Abiding Citizen,” it will be a good movie.”

A parte che già la prima frase smentisce quello che poi dice dopo... comunque secondo me l'hanno pagato perchè lo dicesse.
view post Posted on 30/8/2011, 14:50

Dal sito di Best Movie:

Machine Gun Preacher, il primo trailer

Gerard Butler è un ex spacciatore di droga che si converte e inizia a combattere per salvare i bambini in Sudan. Il film è tratto da una storia vera

Nella maggior parte dei casi, quando vieni consacrato nell’olimpo delle star hollywoodiane con un ruolo iconico, come può essere quello di re Leonida in 300, rischi di venire etichettato a vita con parti dello stesso tipo. A quanto pare, però, non è questo il caso di Gerard Butler. Dopo Giustizia privata, in cui l’attore ha mostrato tutto il suo talento interpretando un padre di una famiglia assassinata che si rivolta contro l’intero sistema giudiziario in seguito alla liberazione dei killer, Butler torna in un nuovo film drammatico, intitolato Machine Gun Preacher, di cui oggi vi mostriamo il primo trailer.

Tratto da una storia vera, il film racconta la storia di Sam Childers (Butler), un’ex spacciatore di droga che, con l’aiuto della donna che ama (Michelle Monaghan), si converte e dedica la sua vita per salvare i bambini del Sudan da una vita di soprusi e rapimenti. Machine Gun Preacher sembra essere caratterizzato da un giusto equilibrio tra dramma e azione. Sam Childers sarà, infatti, costretto a difendere con la forza i bambini africani e farà di tutto per aiutarli. La storia di Sam Childers è raccontata nel libro “Another Man’s War: The True Story Of One Man’s Battle To Save Children In The Sudan” ed è stata riadattata dallo sceneggiatore Jason Keller. Il film sarà presentato alla 36esima edizione del Toronto International Film Festival (8-18 settembre).

Diretto dal regista di 007 – Quantum of Solace, Marc Forster, Machine Gun Preacher esordirà nelle sale statunitensi il 23 settembre 2011 (a New York City e Los Angeles) e in quelle inglesi il 6 gennaio 2012.
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