Posts written by sabrinta

view post Posted: 15/12/2014, 16:27 Gerry a Los Angeles e dintorni - LUOGHI
Gerry è volato di nuovo a Malibu...chissà per quanto. Intanto l'hanno beccato in giro ieri cor' a cor' con Morgan ;)
(stendiamo un velo sulla faccia sbattuta e assonnata e il resto... :P )


(ma lei che lo tiene per il mignolo? :P )


Edited by sabrinta - 15/12/2014, 17:59
view post Posted: 15/12/2014, 11:54 Voci di corridoio, possibili ruoli futuri - PROGETTI FUTURI
si torna a parlare di Hunter Killers...ricordate??Stavolta parte davvero, o così presenza di Gerry sarebbe confermata da questo twit: did we mention Gerard Butler will be in the starring role?

Major feature film, 'Hunter Killer,' to film almost entirely in Whittier in 2015

A major feature film will begin shooting in Whittier early next year, city officials and producers announced today.

The film will be be directed by "Casino Royale" director Martin Campbell, executive producers said in Whittier. Hollywood trade publications have reported Gerard Butler ("300") is attached to star.

The movie, "Hunter Killer," has been in the works for at least five years with the project once pre-approved for an Alaska film subsidy in 2012. Producers for the film said the project is now a reality, with about 90 percent filming to take place in the Alaska town of 229 people.

The thriller is based on the George Wallace novel "Firing Point," about a U.S. nuclear submarine that faces a Russian sub. The producers said they chose Whittier because the town resembles a Russian naval base.

Three months of pre-production will begin in January, followed by three months of filming, producers said. The effort will include building submarine sets.

Hollywood trade publications, including Variety, have reported since 2011 that Butler is attached to star. Asked to confirm he will appear in the film, executive producers Jamie Marshall and Scott Lumpkin said they could not say.

The Anchorage Daily News reported in 2012 that the project would cost $50 million to $100 million, according to a producer. It was not immediately clear if that spending plan has changed since the project was initially planned for Alaska.

If the budget remains above $50 million, "Hunter Killer" would be the most expensive modern movie to film in Alaska, eclipsing "Everybody Loves Whales" and "Frozen Ground."

After a slew of subsidized reality shows, the announcement marks the first time a high-profile feature has been planned for Alaska under the subsidy program since the Nicolas Cage thriller "Frozen Ground."

Anchorage-based production company Sprocketheads will be involved in the project, said Kelly Bender of the Whittier Chamber of Commerce.
view post Posted: 13/12/2014, 20:32 Geostorm - Aggiornamenti di produzione - PROGETTI FUTURI
olè tombola, nel 2016 addirittura due film in uscita :P
view post Posted: 11/12/2014, 01:35 Articoli e Interviste - VISTO DA VICINO
bello questo articolo :wub:
Describe your perfect Christmas Day?

When I was a kid we all used to go to my aunt May’s house. If somebody had said to me, “You’re not going to aunt May’s house this year,” I would have thrown a fit because I looked forward to that experience all year.

Do you remember your best ever Christmas present growing up?

It was probably a sled that my uncle made, a proper wooden one, but he made it with his own hands which always just amazed me. And he brought it to our house and I had so much fun in it. It just always meant so much more that he’d made it with his bare hands.

Zio Butler e Zia Butler :occhilucidi:
(Puccio dove sei :lol: )
view post Posted: 9/12/2014, 16:01 Gerry a New Orleans - LUOGHI
sai che non ci avevo fatto caso? Potrebbe essere ;)
view post Posted: 7/12/2014, 23:27 Gerry a New Orleans - LUOGHI
eccolo in giro beccato da fans e dai paps e poi sul set(finalmente ;) )
Ma non lo trovate ringiovanito? Lo vedo proprio bene...l'aria di NO gli deve far bene...o forse è sempre opera di Morgan ;) ;)

(pare che la bimba in braccio sia sua figlia in Geostorm :D )



qui alla partita Carolina Panthers v New Orleans Saints(credo sia football) oggi :D



e infine sul set...


(sembra appena sveglio :P :P )
view post Posted: 6/12/2014, 20:40 ...Morgan,finalmente quella giusta? - VISTO DA VICINO
ecco, ha trovato una santa che l'ha messo in riga, è decisamente la donna per lui!! Go Morgan :lol: :alè:
view post Posted: 3/12/2014, 11:04 Gerry a Los Angeles e dintorni - LUOGHI
lo so,ma mi dimenticavo di caricarle in gallery...e ormai non si possono più caricare da nessun'altra parte :(
view post Posted: 29/11/2014, 20:26 Gerry a Los Angeles e dintorni - LUOGHI
le ultime foto di Gerry a LA la sera della partita Scozia-Inghilterra(mi pare) ;)






view post Posted: 25/11/2014, 15:54 ...La primula Gerry! - ULTIME NOTIZIE
se non sbaglio la cosa è vecchia e non so perchè sia rispuntata in giro così prepotentemente :mmm: in ogni caso fa sempre ridere :lol:
view post Posted: 24/11/2014, 22:39 ...Purchè se ne parli! - VISTO DA VICINO
Mi ero persa l'articolo sulle finanze di Gerry...
Gegio come fai a guadagnare tanto con i film che fai, resta un mistero... :lol:

Secondo questo articolo, Gerry è tra le star che adottano uno stile lumbersexual , che si ispira cioè ai gusti degli omosessuali... (Gerry mi sa che ti sopravvalutano :mmm: :P )

I lumbersexual: etero che fanno propria l’estetica gay

Nella marea di etichette per i vari stili sta sempre facendosi più strada quella del lumbersexual, tendenza tipicamente eterosessuale che, però, attinge a piene mani all’immaginario collettivo gay.

Alcuni descrivono la tendenza come quella di uomini appena usciti da un bosco dopo anni di incuria: con barba folta, stivali e camicia da boscaiolo. Il lumbersexual costruisce la propria immagine, infatti, rifacendosi ai codici dell’estetica omosessuale, cosa questa che fa un po’ sorridere le persone gay che, a loro volta, da decenni strizzano l’occhio ai boscaioli veraci e ai contadini (e non solo per quel che riguarda i bear e i loro amanti).

Secondo Sylvain Silvermann, responsabile della sezione cultura della rivista settimanale francese Têtu:

L’immagine del taglialegna esisteva già da molto tempo nel mondo dei film per adulti per gay: la cultura eterosessuale ha completamente digerito la cultura gay riappropriandosi dei suoi codici estetici.

Sebbene i lumbersexual spesso indossino giacca e cravatta, come anche un raffinatissimo smoking, mescolano in maniera meravigliosa un corpo tornitissimo con un atteggiamento molto viritle: non c’è dubbio che l’uomo lumbersexual, con il suo stile selvaggio, stia spazzando via il metrosexual nel contesto urbano e, a quanto sembra, questa moda è destinata a durare nel tempo. Questi taglialegna metropolitani invadono le strade delle città di tutto il mondo, da Brooklyn a Berlino, mettendo a tacere coloro che proclamavano che il normcore – vale a dire il vestirsi senza uno stile particolare – era ormai il tratto distintivio della moda maschile.

Il termine deriva da lumber, che in inglese vuol dire legname, e una traduzione italiana sarebbe pessima, per cui rimaniamo all’inglese che è meglio!
view post Posted: 24/11/2014, 13:00 Dicono di lui - VISTO DA VICINO
Ross King ci racconta la sera del compleanno di Gerry...e fa il simpatico sulla presenza o meno di una a chi la vuole dare a bere? :P

The big night out this week was Gerard Butler’s birthday party.

Gerry was 21 (again) and he invited a few of his close pals to a restaurant for a quiet dinner. I was honoured to be asked. This wasn’t a glitzy Hollywood bash, it was just a few close pals enjoying a quiet night out together, in the back room of a restaurant in LA.

I was sitting next to Scots actor Tony Curran. Big mistake Gerry, putting two Scots next to each other. Turns out it wasn’t so quiet after all.

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you what happened. It was japes and jokes all night. Tony has known Gerry since he was 15 and they were at the Scottish Youth Theatre. We shared a good few stories!

Then Gerry got up to make a speech. It was quite heartfelt, he wanted to thank people who meant a lot to him. And so naturally, when he spoke, we heckled.

Come on – two Scots together and their mate gets up to speak? It was always going to happen.

Anyway, Gerry ploughed on and, as he continued to thank people, he said this is beginning to sound like an Oscar speech. Of course I shouted he should get it out of his system because there was no chance of winning the real thing come next March!

It was a great night. It was so nice to see Gerry amongst his pals, relaxing and having a great time.

The food was pretty amazing, too. I had the most beautiful fish and beet salad. Nice healthy Los Angeles fare. And then for dessert I had sticky toffee pudding. Well, you can take the boy out of Scotland, but you can’t take Scotland out of the boy.

By the time my fiancee Brianna and I were leaving it was really late. Somehow word had got round and there was a whole host of paparrazzi there, a sea of photographers. I shouted to them how did you know I was here?

It was a total tumbleweed moment. And not a single snapper took a photo, not one flashbulb went off! Me and Brianna couldn’t stop laughing about that one. They all just stared at me blankly. And it proved my saying once again – British humour, American silence!

Of course, there’s always a lot of speculation in the Press about Gerry’s love life. It’s just the way it is when you’re Hollywood star. Pass a woman in the street and you’re dating.

Make a bit of eye contact with her and it’s serious.

Smile at her and you’re getting married.

So, did Gerry have a date with him on his birthday night? My dear, I couldn’t possibly comment.

Until next week, chums!
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