Voci di corridoio, possibili ruoli futuri

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view post Posted on 12/5/2009, 11:20

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

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accidenti è vero!!mica ci avevo fatto caso... :bash:
view post Posted on 6/6/2009, 17:31

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


si parla di un remake di un un film di Schwarzenegger e chi scrive vedrebbe bene Gerry nel ruolo principale...io no,anche se del film non so nulla!

Totally New Total Recall in the Works
* By Hugh Hart

The Arnold Schwarzenegger-free Terminator Salvation didn’t exactly set the world on fire, but that hasn’t stopped Columbia Pictures from moving forward with a totally new Total Recall. The studio hired writer-on-a-hot-streak Kurt Wimmer to script a new take on the California governor’s 1990 sci-fi hit, with Fast and Furious producer Neal H. Moritz on board as project mastermind.

Wimmer, who wrote Anglina Jolie’s spy movie Salt, currently being filmed in New York, is expected to update Philip K. Dick’s short story “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale,” which inspired the original Total Recall’s premise about a man been implanted with fake memories during a trip to Mars.

The studio described its remake to The Hollywood Reporter as a “contemporized adaptation.” Schwarzenegger’s version spawned dozens of memory-wipe sci-fi scenarios — can this once-fresh concept be successfully overhauled for modern moviegoers? Stay tuned.

Casting won’t begin until next year at the earliest, but we’ve already got somebody in mind for the lead: Gerard Butler (300, RocknRolla). Any other leading man capable of reinventing Schwarzenegger’s role in this Total Recall reboot? Weigh in below.

Fonte: http://www.wired.com/underwire/2009/06/tot...l-in-the-works/
view post Posted on 21/8/2009, 12:20

Girano voci che Gerry potrebbe interpretare capitain Britain nell'ennesimo adattamento cinematografico di un fumetto della Marvel... perchè pare si stia cercando un attore britannico per il ruolo... saranno fondate queste voci?

Gerard Butler to be Captain Britain?

Gerard Butler is being lined up to play Captain Britain in a movie version of the cult comic book character.

It will be yet another movie inspired by Marvel’s tales and would see Gerard in an all-British blockbuster.

The role would make the Scottish hunk — who can currently be seen starring opposite Katherine Heigl in chick flick The Ugly Truth — as the UK’s answer to Captain America.

“This would be a different angle on the usual superhero movies and not just because it is set outside of the US,” dished a Hollywood insider. “It will be darker and grittier than movies like Spider-Man and Iron Man — kind of like Marvel’s answer to The Dark Knight.

“There are few British actors who could take the title role but Gerard is the clear favorite. He’s perfect for it.”

view post Posted on 22/8/2009, 14:59

Scusate,tutto e' possibile ma Gerry supereroe image non mi convince molto!
view post Posted on 9/10/2009, 18:53

Gerry dice che potrebbe lavorare ancora con Frank Miller, ma non in 300, in un seguito di Sin City

Gerard Butler In Sin City Sequel?

More from good ol Gerry. This time while chatting to MTV, he revealed that he has talked with Frank Miller about a possible role in a future Sin City movie...
“I could see myself working with Frank again,” explained the "Law Abiding Citizen" star. “But, I don’t know. Graphic novels are things that I wouldn’t do a lot of, so I would have to really choose carefully before I did.”

Butler then revealed that he had spoken to Frank Miller, not about the proposed 300 sequel, but about a role in Miller and Robert Rodriguez' much talked about Sin City 2.or 3!

"At one point, he talked to me about one of the 'Sin City' [movies], and we discussed that.”

Although Butler didn’t reveal his character’s name, he reported that Miller wanted him not for this next film, but likely for the one after that.

“There’s a kind of cool character I think in the third one, but it was all very kind of soft talk.”

view post Posted on 9/10/2009, 22:22

bello...adoro sin city!grafica pazzesca...Gerry nelle vesti magari tipo ql di rourke nel primo...pazzesco!!!
view post Posted on 10/10/2009, 19:30

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


interessante...spero che nel caso abbia un bel ruolo(anche se a me Sin City non è piaciuto un granchè)
view post Posted on 9/12/2009, 15:17

Remake Mania:
Robert Luketic potrebbe dirigere il remake di All'inseguimento della pietra verde
di Pierpaolo Festa

Robert Luketic, regista del “pink cult” La rivincita delle bionde, potrebbe dirigere il remake di un classico degli anni ’80, All’inseguimento della pietra verde (Romancing the Stone). La pellicola di Robert Zemeckis interpretata dal mitico trio Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner e Danny De Vito.
Si dice che Luketic, il cui ultimo film La dura verità è attualmente nelle nostre sale, potrebbe proprio ingaggiare gli stessi attori della commedia per il remake: ed è così che Gerard Butler rimpiazzerebbe Douglas e Katherine Heigl avrebbe il ruolo della Turner.

La notizia non è ancora ufficiale, quel che è certo è che la 20th Century Fox intende assolutamente girare il remake del film. Il copione della nuova versione è stato già completato.
Luketic, anche regista di Quel mostro di suocera e 21, è attualmente impegnato nella post-produzione di Killers, una commedia nera interpretata ancora dalla Heigl insieme a Ashton Kutcher.
All’inseguimento della pietra verde non è l’unico remake che Hollywood vuole realizzare dalla filmografia di Robert Zemeckis: la brutta notizia è che anche una nuova versione di Ritorno al futuro sarebbe nella lista degli Studios. Speriamo solo che quest’ultimo non veda mai la luce!


Spero lascino perdere!!!
view post Posted on 9/12/2009, 15:30

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


...uhmmm... a chi è piaciuto come Alex Rover,direi che questo ruolo piacerà...
view post Posted on 9/12/2009, 16:01

A me piaceva come Alex Rover, ma preferisco che Gerry faccia altro, trovo questo film davvero insulso!
view post Posted on 9/12/2009, 17:49

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


io in genere sono contro i remake...li trovo inutili
mi piacerebbe giusto rivedere Gerry con quel tipo di abbigliamento :P
view post Posted on 6/2/2010, 10:53

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Secondo questo articolo,citato su Imdb,ma non meglio identificato,Reese Whiterspoon e Gerry si sarebbero incontrati non per una cenetta romantica,ma nell'eventualità che Gerry possa essere il terzo vertice di un triangolo amoroso nella prossima 'commedia di guerra' dell'attrice...(signore,speriamo di no!!! n.d.r.)

'Questo vuol dire guerra'
Without Terminator, McG Decides 'This Means War'
by Elisabeth Rappe Feb 5th 2010 // 6:02PM

Filed under: Action, Comedy, Romance, Deals, Scripts, 20th Century Fox, DIY/Filmmaking, Newsstand
Poor McG. At this time last year, he was the king of the world! Terminator: Salvation was rumored to be the coolest movie of the summer, and he was raking in franchise deals like there was no tomorrow. But there was, and it's now, but he may finally be stepping behind the camera again for a genre miles away from Judgment Day -- a romantic comedy. According to Variety, McG is in talks to direct This Means War, a romantic spy comedy starring Reese Witherspoon and Bradley Cooper.

This Means War has been through the rewrite mill for a couple of years, and its latest incarnation (penned by Timothy Dowling) is a delightful romp where two spies are lifelong friends until they fall for the same woman. Presumably they then try to kill each other using nasty, slick covert methods like cyanide capsules and thin wires you can hide in a sleeve. The girl's preferences, of course, will not factor into their bitter rivalry. It never does! (I wouldn't be surprised if Gerard Butler is the third corner of the triangle, since the tabloids claim to have spotted him lunching with Witherspoon. Those are the kind of rumblings that preceded The Bounty Hunter.)

Fox is desperate to get the film off the ground, and wants to begin shooting by late spring. If McG is as eager to return to the director's chair, expect the wheels to start turning immediately.
view post Posted on 6/2/2010, 12:16

Vi prego no, vi prego no, vi prego no!!!! :sadangel:
view post Posted on 6/2/2010, 18:02

E bastaaaaaaa...
se si fossilizza nelle rom-com è finita!!!

Anche se il pensiero di lui e Bradley Cooper... :drool: :drool:
view post Posted on 7/2/2010, 22:37

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


vabbè che mi piacciono le commedie romantiche ma questa mi sembra una scemenza vera...omg...
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