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view post Posted on 11/4/2010, 20:57

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


aah che cosa interessante...si vede che avevano una pagina bianca da riempire...
Sono pure intervenuti degli esperti in materia di vichingi a dire la loro opinione

questi li vorrei conoscere uno per uno... :lol:
view post Posted on 14/4/2010, 15:32

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Un articolo per dimostrare che non è vero che Gerry indossa sempre lo stesso paio di jeans Barracuda...


view post Posted on 14/4/2010, 15:51

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


questi hanno fatto uno studio accuratissimo... :lol: però hanno ragione :P
view post Posted on 14/4/2010, 19:34

Ora si che posso dormire tranquilla!!! <_< <_<
view post Posted on 16/4/2010, 16:14

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


Come vestirsi come Gerry e quanto si spende per farlo(in sterline) :D

view post Posted on 24/4/2010, 09:52

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


...a proposito dell'idea espressa da gerry di voler prendere lezioni di volo per... volare via da tutto,quando non lavora... questo articolo fa un paragone tra lui,Travolta e Harrison Ford:


There are loads of things common between the hunks Gerard Butler, John Travolta and Harrison Ford. All three are muscular men with a chiselled frame. All are actors from the Hollywood town but one commonality in their trait is that all three love to fly.

Obviously, they regret not having wings similar to birds but thanks to Wright Brothers, the Earthizens are gifted with aeroplane and that’s one medium through which man satiates his hunger to fly.

While the macho men John Travolta and Harrison Ford have already learnt how to fly a plane and have their certified pilot licences, Gerard Butler is also contemplating on such lines.

When he is not flying around Jennifer Aniston and Priyanka Chopra, then, he would like to take a flight to the sky on his own and is hence eager to take up driving lessons. It’s also good to fly off to other places when a celeb wants solace and wishes to get away from the tabloid pressure. He says, “I often finish work and feel the need to leave town. I’m like, ‘I have to go now. I have to go to Iceland or go to India, go somewhere.”

“When you are going through places like Jaipur, nobody cares who you are. That makes life a lot easier,” Butler signs off.
view post Posted on 26/4/2010, 22:56

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


da Belgrado arrivano 'inciuci' su alcuni capricci di Gerry e sulla sua odissea per arrivare a Belgrado:
(tradotto con google... )

From home to the psychiatrist

L'attore scozzese Gerard Butler (40), che è ruoli celebrata nel film "300", "Il fantasma dell'opera", "rock" e "Catcher in ricatto", è arrivato a Belgrado per rilanciare il personaggio Tula Aufidija, nemici giurati del Caio leggendario generale romano Marcilly Coriolano, nel Director's primogenito "Coriolano", Ralph Fiennes.
Nella nostra capitale è arrivato la scorsa settimana.Ha fissato l'aereo da Los Angeles via Washington a Roma. .A Roma si recò da jet privato e lo portò a Belgrado. Tuttavia, il suo assistente che si ostina a viaggiare con lui, non è riuscito a ottenere un biglietto per lo stesso volo da Washington a Roma, e arrivato a Belgrado e di Madrid e Vienna (Alannnn perchè ti ostini a seguirlo :lol: )
Rendendosi conto che la Vienna e perso i loro bagagli e Butler, allarmato la troupe a Belgrado, che andava a comprare dei vestiti e biancheria intima per l'attore. (è rimasto di nuovo senza vestiti...che però perchè viaggiassero con Alan non l'ho capito :mmm: )

Alloggia nella cosiddetta suite Sweet Jr. al sesto piano dell 'hotel "Hyatt" e non nel presidenziali appartamento, come alcuni media ha scritto.Che tutti gli attori, più o meno eccentrico, è il fatto che il Butler, nonostante la comodità che ha l'hotel, ha chiesto di essere affittato casa in cui alloggiare durante le riprese. Egli ha sottolineato che essa deve avere una camera da letto, preferibilmente anche essere due. Quando ha trovato una casa con tre camere da letto, ha detto che non va bene perché non ci sono "vecchi mobili".Ancora alla ricerca di suo appartamento.
(no vabbè non ci posso credereeeeee ma è maniacaleeee...ora capisco il titolo dell'articolo...)

Un'altra stranezza Butler ha fatto vedere quando ha insistito nella sua roulotte-rimorchio, che è a riposo, mentre sul set, è "TV LCD Sony 26 pollici. Come in Serbia non si vendono TV così poco, ma da 32 pollici in su, dopo due giorni di ricerca di Butler è stato acquisito TV di 26 pollici, anche se altri produttori. Il più interessante di tutte è che Gerrard rimane raramente nella sua roulotte.Pochi giorni dopo Butler, è giunto a Belgrado e il suo "personal trainer". Si scopre che era effettivamente un qualche tipo di terapeuta (uno psichiatra). I primi giorni di permanenza a Belgrado, Butler non per l'hotel, tranne la posizione della registrazione. La gente dal suo ambiente ha detto che "il colore della loro ombra."Più tardi, tuttavia, è apparso in numerosi club di Belgrado e carri.
- I Mi sorprende che la città di Belgrado europea, in particolare l'ospitalità della gente si sente bene per me - ha detto Butler.
(quest'uomo comincia a farmi paura...)

Catena fumatore
Il corpulento Scot ama riferirsi a lui con Jerry, perché ha notato che molte persone, soprattutto americani, hanno un problema di dire il suo vero nome è Gerardo. E 'un cucciolo di nome Lolita, che può andare bene nel suo palmo, ed è amore a prima vista, passando per il negozio di animali domestici. Continuamente cercando di smettere di fumare con l'ipnosi, laser e altri metodi. Durante le riprese di "300" non è il fumo sei mesi, ma prima della fine della registrazione di nuovo propušio.
(questa parte è per la serie:frasi dette a caso?? :blink: )
view post Posted on 27/4/2010, 04:42

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

(ma povero Alan disperso per l'Europa... :( :( )
view post Posted on 27/4/2010, 09:10

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


...quindi è stato in Italia!!! e nessuno ne ha saputo niente!!!

(comunque credo che alcune notizie siano anche 'enfatizzate'...certo volere una casa solo per una settimana,con due/tre stanze da letto e vecchi mobili... o stanno inventando storie,oppure...)
view post Posted on 27/4/2010, 11:00

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


beh più che a Roma è stato a Fiumicino...difficile da sapere e prevedere :(
indubbiamente credo che la cosa sia un pò esagerata...ma se volesse comprare casa in ogni posto in cui passa 1 settimana...aiut! :blink:
view post Posted on 27/4/2010, 12:26

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Qui si legge qualcosa di diverso... ad esempio che l'assistente che lo ha seguito è una donna...si parla di un fisiatra(e non psicologo) e si dice che Gerry avrebbe paura della sua stessa ombra???
(comunque questa che scrive non è sicura dell'episodio dei bagagli,perchè non ha fatto in tempo a constatare se gli abiti di gerry fossero i soliti o diversi...)

And news and a new picture are here.It is not stated when the picture was taken but it must be these days in Belgrade.It is stated that Gerry is situated in junior suite and not presidential suite as it was reported earlier.He came from LA via Washington and then he landed in Rome where a private jet was waiting for him and took him to Belgrade.His female assistant didn’t manage to get on the same plane and according to this article she lost her and GB’s luggage so film’s crew had to buy clothes and underwear for Mr.Butler.If I hadn’t noticed the same shirt that he was wearing at the club and on TMZ video maybe I would believe in this but who knows whether it is true or not.It is reported that Gerry wanted to have a house while staying in Belgrade with one or two bedrooms despite the hotel suite.When they found him a house with three bedrooms he said that he doesn’t like it because there is no antique furniture and they still trying to find a flat for him.It is reported that one of his requests was to have Sony’s LCD TV with 26 inches long screen in his trailer since there are no such TV on Serbian market they found him LCD TV 26 inches long but not Sony’s.The most interesting thing about it all is that Gerry is very rear in his trailer.After his arrival his personal coach came to Belgrade and according to this article it happened to be his physiatrist.People around him claims that he is afraid of his own shadow.
view post Posted on 27/4/2010, 12:34

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


mah...probabilmente questa è solo una traduzione migliore dell'articolo di sopra... :mmm:
view post Posted on 27/4/2010, 15:55

It is reported that Gerry wanted to have a house while staying in Belgrade with one or two bedrooms despite the hotel suite.When they found him a house with three bedrooms he said that he doesn’t like it because there is no antique furniture and they still trying to find a flat for him.It is reported that one of his requests was to have Sony’s LCD TV with 26 inches long screen in his trailer since there are no such TV on Serbian market they found him LCD TV 26 inches long but not Sony’s.

Spero non abbia tutte queste pretese, secondo me non le ha, altre volte sappiamo che è stato nel camper senza mai dare problemi!
view post Posted on 29/4/2010, 23:54

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


altri 'testimoni'...uno l'ha incontrato in un locale notturno poco dopo essere stato in ospedale,probabilmente la sera stessa...e avrebbe confermato di aver bevuto brandy e mangiato carne alla griglia...

Hollywood actor rejoiced with folk music at the Belgrade raft
Butler with the infusion of "Panthers!"

All present were amazed at his coming, especially the band's frontman Tom and his namesake of his security, who has tattooed on his arm Batlerov character.
- A year ago I istetovirao his character since I was a keen role in the movie "300." When he entered the raft at first did not notice it because it was crowded, and later, when we told him what kind of tattoo I have, is impressive. He immediately came over with his camera and photographed with me - told the enthusiastic feedback from the security guy.
- Mn-Ogo well spent and just see to enjoy partying and music in our raft. Delighted to folk music, people, and brandy, which we serve, and the drink just as much to be cheerful, and with it he ate barbecue, who really liked him. Me acting as a super character because he had not behaved like a star, but was natural, especially when he saw the tattoo on Tommy security. He played with our music as if it knows all the songs, and his most liked our "I raff, and you fairy" and "rearview mirror". I am sorry that the evening was on the raft and Gordana Jovanovic, and that he sing the original version, as well as at the festival. Approached him to all photographed with him and no one refused - said Tom to our list and added that he will be very happy to host again.

As a reminder, Hollywood actor on Monday before leaving on the raft was on the infusion because of excessive amounts of fatty foods not being used, and drinks, because, ever since he came every evening, enjoying the charms of night life in Belgrade.

Photo after the first infusion!
While staying at a private clinic in the infusion, the famous actor video with singer and star of "Operation Triumph" Mikom Kostic! In fact, as Butler last weekend, "zaginuo" in the famous club "Cinema", where Kostic performances, their meeting was conducted very warmly, even though the actor was exhausted from the treatment received.
- Some of my work I was in hospital and I could not believe it when I saw Butler. He began his talk with me and was very good mood. Presented to me as "Jerry" and after a short chat promised to come again on my appearance - told "Alo!" A talented singer. During the meeting there was a joint photo on which Butler sees balls on the left hand, received after the infusion.

queste sarebbero 2 canzoni che sono piaciute a Gerry( :sick: ,ndMe)
view post Posted on 30/4/2010, 08:54

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


alla fine,a zittire tutte le chiacchiere,è arrivata niente meno che una dichiarazione di mamma Margareth!
A quanto pare Gerry ha avuto una piccola congestione dovuta alla respirazione di polvere sul set(la vecchia fabbrica di zucchero ne era piena)

My heart isn't burst...it was only dust

MOVIE hunk Gerard Butler was yesterday at the centre of heart scare claims - after sniffing DUST on a film set.

The Bounty Hunter star complained of breathing difficulties while shooting his latest film Coriolanus.

Local media claimed he'd been rushed to hospital with chest pains and needed treatment for high blood pressure on Monday night. But last night the Paisley-born actor's mum rubbished the reports - and revealed his illness was caused by working long hours in dusty conditions.

Speaking from her home in Comrie, Perthshire, Margaret said: "It's a gross exaggeration. He's filming in old factories and the whole crew are suffering from congestion. That's it.

"There's dust everywhere and he's got mild congestion.

"He says they're all suffering from it and because he's filming they have to be careful." Margaret denied her son had suffered chest pains, and added:

"It was a local doctor he saw, he wasn't admitted to hospital. I know that he has been working very long hours on this film."

Butler is filming the movie adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy - directed by Ralph Fiennes - in Serbia.

The 40-year-old was prescribed throat lozenges by a local GP on Monday to help with the dusty conditions on set.

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