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view post Posted on 1/8/2008, 07:42

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Apro questo topic per poter postare quegli articoli che invece di 'osannare' Gerry ne parlano in maniera 'poco lusinghiera'...e per discuterne con voi.

Per esempio nell'articolo che posto ora,chi scrive sottolinea che nelle sue ultime interpretazioni Gerry è stato 'istrionico e noioso'...e non quell'attore intenso che aveva saputo essere in ruoli come Erik e lo Stranger...
Per certi versi io sono d'accordo,ma dire che Gerry sia istrionico in Shattered,o noioso in Psily(dove senza di lui il film sarebbe...altro che noioso) mi sembra poco calzante...

L'articolo è questo:commentatelo!



Author: Sarah Lyle

Can Gerard Butler Bring Home The Bacon, Or Only Ever Ham?

Look what is it with this gorgeous guy? Like many thousands and millions of drooling dames the world over I have been crazy about Gerard since I first saw him in the spectacular movie version of Phantom of The Opera. He was sublime in this role - sympathetic, yet beastly. Passionately reckless yet vulnerable and boy could he belt out those songs!

I thought - hang on! Do we have an honest to goodness manly man loaded with charisma along the lines of a Clark Gable at last??? What a wonderful contrast to the whiny, pasty-faced fey guys we are used to in the acting profession. I eagerly rented Gerard's back catalogue and adored him as the pretend Pa in Dear Frankie - again all man yet sensitive with it. He was also brill in One More Kiss - who played the ex boyfriend whose dying ex comes back to spend her last days with him - and who wouldn't?

But after seeing some of his latest - Butterfly on a Wheel - out-acted by Pierce Brosnan in this one, the dude was more hysterical then the character of his wife played by Maria Bello concerning the kidnap of their daughter. What happened to the calm collected guy you felt you could lean on? He was nuts. Then there was the terrible P.S I Love You - Gerard was so annoying, it was a relief he passed away a third of the way through. It didn't help that there was no chemistry between him the normally excellent Hillers Swank. So what's gone wrong?

Since 300 our Gezza seems to still be somehow playing every role like the heroic King Leonidas - in such a way that I am afraid can be only described as pure ham. I worry so much that every time I see this beautiful person on screen I get a feeling I call The Butler Sink. It's a real shame because he is a lovely chap - I so, so want him to be great, he can light up the screen, he can really move the audience, but since his success I fear he is trying too hard - like he cannot believe his luck and he's got to be OTT to prove he deserves the work. Well Gerard you do deserve the work. You are wonderful - let's see you be that "real" person we can once again adore and sympathise with, and not the wide-eyed "I'm so lucky that I have got to be so great in this part" desperate thespian. Man, it's only acting, it's not rocket. Take a leaf out of Spencer Tracy's book - "Know your lines and don't bump into the furniture" You're a natural at not bumping into the Ikea, you used to do it so sexily too!

Sarah Lyle has been writing too and about actors since her early teens. Gerard Butler is one of her favourites. For more information about where to get your Gerard Butler fix including Gerard related goodies, signed memorabilia, and photos etc visit http://www.mygerardbutler.com/
view post Posted on 1/8/2008, 09:36

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


mah,certamente questa Sarah ci è andata giù pesante...parla come una fan e mi sembra poco obiettiva...
io non riesco a dire che in PSILY è stato noioso quando le scene in cui c'è lui sono risultate le più intense e dolci...e riguardo Shattered non riesco a capire cosa sia andato storto secondo lei,lui si è calato nella parte come fa sempre,risultando perfetto,disperato e attonito dallo scorrere degli eventi...
Certamente questi due personaggi risultano diversi da Erik o dallo Stranger,credo che entrambi fossero ruoli molto intensi,le sceneggiature erano particolari e invece questi ultimi due film sono certamente più 'commerciali',e magari si pone meno attenzione alla psicologia più profonda dei personaggi ma da qui a dare giudizi negativi ce ne vuole secondo me...
Sere Butler
view post Posted on 1/8/2008, 11:55

beh, erano ruoli diversi, che richiedevano un interpretazione diversa, mentre lo Stranger ed Erik erano sotto certi versi abbastanza simili: non si può giudicare la bravura di un attore in un film confrontando l'interpretazione con quella che ha dato in un film del tutto diverso, ma bisogna basarsi sulle emozioni che fa provare nel film stesso... contorta, ma spero si capisca cosa intendo^^
view post Posted on 1/8/2008, 12:01

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Io farei anche un'altra riflessione...
Finchè ha lavorato per la cinematografia europea( e mi riferisco anche a POTo dopotutto e Beowulf) si trattava di un cinema fatto di contenuti particolarmente profondi ...Poi,quando è passato negli USA...ho idea che gli effetti speciali hanno prevalso!!!
E allora ben venga Rocknrolla,dove si deve di nuovo misurare con la recitazione...
view post Posted on 1/8/2008, 12:56

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


concordo Ariel,la cinematografia americana è tutta diversa per contenuti e percezioni!allora quando questa Sarah vedrà Game le verrà un coccolone suppongo... :mmm:
view post Posted on 1/8/2008, 20:22

Mah... per me psily (opinione personalissima) è un film insulso (come il libro del resto) quelle poche scene che si salvano si salvano proprio grazie a Gerry!! (Anche se ho apprezzato anche il personaggio di Daniel).

Per quanto riguarda Shattered... bè giudicatemi di parte se volete, ma anche questo reputo che si salvi soprattutto grazie a Gerry, lui la sua parte la fa perfettamente, Pierce Brosnan e la Bello non brillano e la sceneggiatura non è un granchè.
view post Posted on 11/12/2008, 15:50

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Qui si (s)parla in termini estremamente volgari e cattivi di TUT...


“Where did you pick up that lovely Scottish accent?” [Silence] “Scotland.”

Gerard Butler possesses the amazing ability, much like Dwayne Johnson, to charm the pants off almost any heterosexual woman, and his talents don’t stop there. In the past year, audiences have watched Butler convincingly romance the hell out of the manliest of women and even a bona fide lesbian. How Butler does it is anyone’s guess. Could it be the ubiquitous Scottish burr, outspoken love for karaoke, or notoriously beastly manners? We’ll never know, but Butler must certainly have been hitting the roofies by agreeing to the challenge of seducing Katherine Heigl’s big fucking mouth in The Ugly Truth. Our BFF, Celebitchy, points out that The Ugly Truth’s clichéd plot is “not cute and looks like it will go down like dry toast.” Certainly, Heigl’s insufferable nature knows no end. Similarly, Butler’s Scottish accent just don’t stop for any film role, Spartan nor American, Irish nor English, rain nor shine. So, nothing new here, but a bunch of idiots will still want to see this film.

view post Posted on 11/12/2008, 16:23

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


<_< <_<
view post Posted on 7/12/2009, 09:19

Gerry è stato nominato per i Razzies per TUT, GAMER e LAC :bash: :bash: :bash:


Butler serves up Raspberry triple

MOVIE hunk Gerard Butler is a front-runner for a top Hollywood award... for BAD acting.

The 40-year-old Scot is being tipped to bag a gong at the The Golden Raspberries after critics panned his last three movies.

The awards, also known as the Razzies, single out the worst films and performances of the year.

And Gerard could join a host of other big names on Hollywood's roll of shame including Madonna, Sylvester Stallone and Paris Hilton.

John Wilson, organiser of the Razzies, which are decided on the votes of hundreds of showbiz insiders, critics and ordinary film fans in 20 countries, said: "I would say he has at least a 50-50 chance.

"We list however many crappy movies they made in one year and Gerard Butler has three titles.

"We are sending out our ballots in early January.

"We have, throughout the year, compiled a list of what is likely, and he will be listed on the nominating ballot as a possible worst actor.

"Multiple titles do catch the attention of our voters."

First up is THE UGLY TRUTH, where Gerard played a sexist morning TV presenter who thinks he knows what makes men and women tick.

He starred alongside Grey's Anatomy star Katherine Heigl and admitted he was distracted by his co-star.

He said: "I kept forgetting my lines. Katie is such a charismatic woman.

"Every time I had to play with her hair for a shot, I got so nervous. Once I grabbed her breast by accident."

Critics picked up on the couple's lack of on-screen chemistry and slated the movie as a romantic comedy - without the romance or the comedy.

Butler then swapped swords for machine guns in GAMER where he played Kable, a man forced to fight in a real-life online game.

It's been branded a "dire sci-fi action flick" in which prisoners try to win their freedom by becoming characters in a computer game.

Gerard, from Paisley, starred alongside supermodel Amber Valletta but the glam pairing wasn't enough to save this dire movie.

It took £642,000 when it opened at the box office in September and critics trashed it labelling it a poor imitation of a computer game.

LAW ABIDING CITIZEN is Gerard's latest movie, which he also produced.

It took almost £1.5million when it opened.

Gerard plays a family man in the vigilante flick - which also stars Jamie Foxx - whose wife and daughter are butchered, forcing him to take the law into his own hands.

Despite its success at the box office, the movie was panned for its gory scenes, "laughable content" and silly ending.

But it's not just 2009's offerings that have offended critics.

Guy Ritchie's gangster caper ROCKnROLLA was packed with Hollywood talent.

Gerard starred alongside Oscar-nominated Tom Wilkinson, Bafta-winner Thandie Newton, The Wire hunk Idris Elba and Bond girl Gemma Arterton - but the 2008 flick still flopped.

Gerard played the title role in the film adaptation of PHANTOM OF THE OPERA after being chosen for his rugged good looks by director Joel Schumacher - but again he failed to impress the critics.

One blasted: "I could probably spend the rest of my life attempting to figure out why Gerard Butler got cast in this film.

"It was rumoured that Antonio Banderas was considered to play the Phantom. I dreaded that rumour. Now I wish they'd used him."

And Butler was panned for his dodgy Irish accent in tear-jerker chick flick PS I LOVE YOU.

One reviewer blasted: "PS I Love You is set to get them cringing in the aisles.

"Thanks to Butler it's the most appalling accent ever."

view post Posted on 7/12/2009, 12:32

:o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o: :o:

Va beneee!! Ammetto che Gamer è piuttosto visionario e strano e non è certo un capolavoro (però Gerry il suo ruolo lo recita bene!!!!!!), che LAC non mi è piaciuto per niente (ma anche se Gerry non mi ha convinto del tutto come Clyde, ce ne vuole per dire che recita male) e che TUT non ha avuto critiche molto positive in America (però lui come Mike è semplicemente fantastico!!!!)... ma... ma... ma ...


view post Posted on 7/12/2009, 12:37

Ho finito tutti i commenti relativi al caso su IMDB.... Sai cosa?? Come ho detto sugli altri forum, Halle Berry è stata nominata dopo aver vinto l'Oscar...magari questo è il preludio all'Oscar del Gerryno!! Mai dire mai!!
view post Posted on 7/12/2009, 12:41

:wacko: ma questa è follia...io nn capisco ke concezione abbiamo gli americani dei bravi attori!!
e poi,ne ho visto film americani ke fanno veramente :sick: ma cmq...
la pazzie si diffonde -.-'
view post Posted on 7/12/2009, 12:59

Vabbè, passato il primo momento di sgomento, immagino perchè lo hanno nominato: ultimamente si parla molto di Gerry, sta diventando più famoso e visto che quest'anno sono usciti ben tre film con lui, quale migliore occasione per nominarlo, in fondo i Razzies award non è una manifestazione seria, avranno pensato che non possono sempre nominare gli stessi!
view post Posted on 7/12/2009, 13:41

aaaaaaaaaaaaaah...pensavo ke,dato ke è scomparso,ke andasse a questa manifestazione,almeno,sarebbe materiale fresco...
view post Posted on 7/12/2009, 14:40

CITAZIONE (gemini78 @ 7/12/2009, 12:59)
Vabbè, passato il primo momento di sgomento, immagino perchè lo hanno nominato: ultimamente si parla molto di Gerry, sta diventando più famoso e visto che quest'anno sono usciti ben tre film con lui, quale migliore occasione per nominarlo, in fondo i Razzies award non è una manifestazione seria, avranno pensato che non possono sempre nominare gli stessi!

Quoto al 100%

Nella peggiore delle ipotesi, cioè che ne vinca uno ( :sick: ), spero tanto che vada a ritirarlo con una buona dose di auto-ironia ed alla facciaccia loro... (così come fece alla grande Halle Berry :D )
come si dice? UNA RISATA VI SEPPELLIRA'!!!
27 replies since 1/8/2008, 07:42   511 views