Gerry raccontato da... Gerry

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view post Posted on 24/3/2009, 22:32

Vorrei aprire un topic in cui raccogliere ciò che Gerry dice di sè stesso (carattere, abitudini ecc) nelle interviste per avere un quadro più completo di questo uomo complicato.

Queste affermazioni vengono da una vecchia intervista dei tempi di DF:

- Out of all the things I do now, smoking is the worst. But I always need something that makes me feel degenerate and miserable in my life. Without that I cannot be happy.

- B: Let me say that I am NOT a Bad Ass guy. I just like to smoke. LOL
A: You are a sexy guy rather than a bad guy?
B: Me? Sexy? No, I'm a nice guy. LOL

Aggiungo anche questa parte sull'incontro con suo padre perchè non l'avevo mai trovata raccontata in modo così completo:

And one night, he just showed up. When I got home, my stepdad said, "Don't take off your jacket. Your father is here." Wen I said "What?" he just repeated "your father has come here."
I just went back out immediately and went to a restaurant where he was supposed to be waiting, and looked for him by checking out all the male customers wondering "Is he my father?" Then I finally found him.
I sat next to him and greeted him. Then as soon as I asked him "Why didn't you contact us?" I burst into tears. I couldn't stop crying for the next five hours. I kept crying like a mad man. I myself didn't know how emotional I was about him up until then. It was really weird.
We became friends. When we reunited and started communicating, he was ill and told me, "I'll die soon. So let's go on a Caribbean cruise ship. It'll be our farewell cruise." He was on a crutch then but still could walk, so we went on the Caribbean cruise together.
A: How old were you then?
B: 22. The night before we left for the cruise, I was in Toronto where my father lived, and went to a party and had too much to drink. I was jumping from one column to another at the end of the terrace on top of a 46-story building.
The next day, we flew to Barbados and got on a ship and started drinking again. When I got the tab, I saw that I had 16 Long Island Ice Tea and 16 Heinekens.
Right after that I went out on the deserted main deck and started throwing the deck chairs into the ocean. LOL Then I was hanging from the anchor which was 150 feet above the ocean, singing "We are sailing..."
LOL I can laugh at it now, but I was really crazy then. Absolutely crazy. This story is only one of a thousand episodes I have. Ahaha (LOL)
After that, I went to see my father in Canada a several times. He was a pleasant, nutty, uncommon individual with a strong personality. He was a great story teller, and embellished the truth a bit, so you couldn't always tell whether he was lying or not. LOL
He did many things, but none lucrative. Once, he was in an umbrella business and wore this cap that's shaped like an umbrella and walked around in the town of Toronto. He was wearing it even when we went to lunch, and I had to ask him to take it off. LOL

E sulla sua voglia di recitare quando era ragazzino:

Though I thought it was impossible, my feeling got stronger and stronger, and I finally couldn't hold it inside myself and told my mother "I want to be an actor." She said, "Oh, that's good." Her response was so abrupt and brief, that I started crying saying, "No, no, no, I really WANT to be an actor." LOL
It's not that she rejected my dream, but she didn't realize how strong my desire was. But by seeing me cry, she understood my needs, and arranged for me to participate in the Scottish Youth Theatre. This was an intense five-week immersion camp course and we immersed ourselves in acting from morning till night.
view post Posted on 27/3/2009, 08:10

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


Mi piace molto questo nuovo topic...appena riesco a rientrare nei ritmi giusti voglio aggiornarlo....

A proposito di suo padre,credo che Gerry abbia ereditato da lui -non so quanto consapevolmente- quella strana facoltà di raccontare le storie senza mai farti capire se sono vere o no...
view post Posted on 27/3/2009, 11:28

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


è vero Ariel!!!
Then as soon as I asked him "Why didn't you contact us?" I burst into tears. I couldn't stop crying for the next five hours.

che tenerezza... :cry:

è davvero un bel topic,devo cercare anch'io qualcosa da aggiungere ^_^
view post Posted on 27/3/2009, 12:31

Piace moltissimo anche a me!!
Complimenti Laura!! Hai avuto una buonissima idea!!^_^^_^

L'intervista dove parla del padre è stupenda!! Fa tenerezza!!:(
view post Posted on 27/3/2009, 12:48

A proposito di suo padre,credo che Gerry abbia ereditato da lui -non so quanto consapevolmente- quella strana facoltà di raccontare le storie senza mai farti capire se sono vere o no...

view post Posted on 23/9/2009, 13:27

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


A proposito dei paparazzi,guardate Gerry come racconta di quando lo beccano a pranzo,magari al tavolo di un ristorante...(comincio a credere davvero che il dito nel naso l'abbia messo a posta!!!)

(da un articolo del Daily news)

Dealing with paparazzi, he says, is one of the toughest things to get used to. They materialize suddenly, one recently catching Butler sitting outdoors at a restaurant and telling the actor that he wanted to snap him in the act of eating.

‘It was almost like holding out a [stick] for a dog," says Butler, laughing at the memory. "Every time I got my fork, he picked his camera up, so I put it down again and he put his camera down. Then I'd pick it up again. " This went on for 15 minutes.

"The only time I could eat was when a bus went past or a truck. Then literally the truck would stop and I go boom, boom, boom and I'd shovel the food in," he said demonstrating frenetically with an imaginary utensil.

(in sintesi,dopo aver affermato che avere a che fare coi paparazzi è la prova più dura che abbia dovuto affrontare,ricorda di quando ne ha beccato uno che voleva coglierlo mentre mangiava a un tavolno di un ristorante all'aperto.Come Gerry alzava la forchetta,quello puntava la macchina...e Gerry giù.La cosa è andata avanti 15 minuti.Poi è passato un autobus e Gerry ha ingurgitato quasi ingozzandosi quello che aveva nel piatto...)
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view post Posted on 7/10/2009, 13:46

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


sempre a proposito dei paparazzi...qui abbiamo addirittura un file audio in cui gerry dice che durante le riprese d The bounty era assediato..e dice anche altre cose!
view post Posted on 7/10/2009, 16:27

Molto interessante... povero Gerry, fa bene a sfogarsi... i paparazzi sono insopportabili! (però non picchiarli più Gerryno, non ti meriti di finire nei guai per colpa loro!)

Cerco di fare un po' un riassunto di quello che Gerry dice: :unsure:

Gerry dice che ha sempre fatto dei film con molte persone presenti sul set, ma ora, con Bounti, si sono aggiunti anche i paparazzi che hanno scattato migliaia di foto e creato la storia d'amore tra lui e Jennifer. E non solo, oltre ad averlo fotografato sul set, l'hanno fotogratafo anche in momenti più privati, tipo quando si stava grattando il naso, dicendo poi che si era messo le dita nel naso. E poi disturbano le riprese ed è triste questo perchè sul set lavorano un sacco di persone e lavorano anche 16 ore al giorno, ma ai paparazzi non interessa niente e non si fanno problemi a starti tra i piedi e ha sparare i loro flash ed è incredibile le cose che arrivano a fare a volte e questo può essere davvero frustrante.

Edited by gemini78 - 7/10/2009, 18:17
view post Posted on 7/10/2009, 18:46

povero amore... :wub: paparazzi brutti e cattivi! <_<
view post Posted on 7/10/2009, 19:45

CITAZIONE (gemini78 @ 7/10/2009, 17:27)
E non solo, oltre ad averlo fotografato sul set, l'hanno fotogratafo anche in momenti più privati, tipo quando si stava grattando il naso, dicendo poi che si era messo le dita nel naso..

Tesoruccio ha perfettamente ragione sull'invadenza molesta dei paparazzi (soprattutto quando disturbano le persone mentre lavorano) ma quella non era una semplice grattatina di naso!!! <_< <_<

E per rinfrescarvi la memoria le foto sono qui:

view post Posted on 7/10/2009, 20:08

Grazia, non mettere il dito nel nas... ehm... nella piaga!!! (:P )
view post Posted on 29/10/2009, 19:58

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste

Status: Associated Press,in occasione di Halloween, ha chiesto ad alcuni vip quali fossero le loro paure inconfessabili... Gerry ha così risposto:

''What scares me is having a gun pointed to my head," says Gerard Butler. "It's just you never know. Is this it? Is it going to be over before I even knew it was about to begin?"

(Quello che mi spaventa è avere una pistola puntata alla testa... semplicemente non sai... cos'è?...potrebbe essere finita prima ancora che sappia che sta per cominciare...)
view post Posted on 12/11/2009, 19:38

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


In questa intervista Gerry attribuisce alla sua mamma le radici della credibilità del suo personaggio di 'vendicatore' in LAC...
Una intervista da prendere con un po' di distacco,visto che testualmente gli ho sentito definire Clyde un 'pazzo assassino'...
qui invece sembra addirittura condividere persino il suo sadismo...

Gerard Butler Identifies With Revenge in 'Law Abiding Citizen'

Gerard Butler didn't have to dig too deeply while doing research for his justice-seeking character in the new film Law Abiding Citizen. The actor simply looked to his childhood for inspiration.

Gerard Butler embraces Jennifer Aniston rumors

"My mom was a big fighter who would never turn the other cheek," he told "Like, if she had an issue, she would take you on and confront you. And more than a few times she'd be on your case in public. I was always like, 'Oh, mom, don't. Just let it go.' But I think there is a time to stand up for what you believe in and that's definitely what my character does in this movie."

Photos: Hollywood's hottest dads

And what about the lengths he would go to for revenge? Butler says, hypothetically, that torture isn't out of the question.

"You imagine anybody touching your family and you think, 'I wouldn't just pay them back, I'd do worse,'" he said. "I have a lot of fire in me when it comes to that. I can understand that motivation of taking your own pain and turning it into calculating revenge. I would take great joy in making them suffer in the most horrific ways."

view post Posted on 1/12/2009, 22:24

Ho ritrovato il trafiletto in cui Gerry racconta come aveva avuto l'anello che portava sempre al dito della mano destra fino a poco tempo fa....

This quote is from our June 2004 interview with Gerard:

"You know, funnily enough, .the reason I met Tonya [his assistant] was though an ex-girlfriend of mine.who I went out with for a couple of years and she got me [the ring] after two weeks of going out, it freaked me out because it's inscripted 'Dedicated to the one I love.' We were only seeing each other for two weeks and I was like 'wait a minute, wait a minute, are you saying you love me?' She had one from a previous boyfriend. So it was kind of strange that she had one from a previous boyfriend."

view post Posted on 3/12/2009, 19:17

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


queste le ho appena trovate...

“One thing I can do better than anyone else I know is my Alien Coming Out of John Hurt’s Stomach routine,” I’ve got it so good I can make it look like my fist is coming out of my stomach. I can do everything except have my chest burst open and blood pour out. I do this at parties, kids’ birthday bashes and weddings – any opportunity really!”

"Una cosa che so fare meglio di chiunque altro che conosco è Alien che viene fuori dallo stomaco di John Hurt.Lo faccio così bene che sembra che la mia mano stai uscendo dallo stomaco davvero.Posso fare qualunque cosa tranne avere il torace aperto in fiamme e il sangue che sgorga.Lo faccio alle feste,ai party di compleanno per i bambini e ai matrimoni-ogni volta che posso!"

(ma si può??pure ai matrimoni!! :lol: )

“I was one of the Three Kings in the Nativity, the one that brought myrrh,” I kept thinking, ‘Why am I not bringing a gift
that’s worth something?’ Even then, I knew I was destined to play another king. I should have been bringing an army of 300 guys and kicking some a*s. It was boring!”

"Ero uno dei Re Magi nella Natività,quello che porta la mirra.E pensavo,perchè non portare un dono che sia degno di qualcosa?
E poi,sapevo di essere destinato ad interpretare un altro re.Avrei avuto un esercito di 300 uomini e avrei spaccato qualche ****.Era noioso"
49 replies since 24/3/2009, 22:32   1113 views