Chasing Mavericks - Screening *Attenzione Spoilers*

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view post Posted on 4/10/2012, 09:25

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


Negli ultimi due giorni ci sono stati degli screening in America,riporto quello che hanno raccontato alcune delle WO,Dianne compresa :D

I did see CM last night. I went with a small group of people, some Gerry fans. It was a small crowd. I am pretty sure the advanced screening announcement was only through Nickelodeon, not the regular avenues. A guy asked us while we were in line what the the movie was and said he always gets invites and didn't get one for this. Hmmm.

Gerry is absolutely perfect and legitimate as Frosty. He should be proud of his acting in this movie. It was a movie about the coming of age of Jay and the awareness of Frosty of how he can be an affective father. Frosty is struggling with his role as a family man/father---esp with his pre teen daughter. Jay and Frosty help each other in many ways.

Jonny and Gerry are so likeable as these characters you can't help but love them both. Gerry is not the fun one in the movie altho he has some good lines for a laugh. I was so touched by this movie, I cried a number of times but had some laughs too.

What can I say? Gerry in a wetsuit and long hair is the hilight of the movie if you want to look at it from a visual aspect. The scenery so beautiful, the ocean so brilliant and deadly. Those huge scary brutal waves are so intense you can't help but react to the memory that Gerry survived those waves.

No romance in this one. He is struggling with putting his family before surfing. He is very adorable at the campfire dancing with her. But we get heartbroken Gerry when his wife dies. You knew that was coming. I cried pretty good. He has this way of making us cry if you ask me. It's called fantastic acting!

OMG! Chasing Mavericks was awesome!!! Just got back from the prescreening and the movie is one of Gerry's finest. He can truly be proud of this one and I'm proud to be a Gerard Butler fan after seeing it. The theater was full and there was nothing but positive comments in the women's bathroom afterwards. He's got a real winner here. Great for dates. There is something for the guys in excitement and teen angst and something for the girls in the form of heavy eye candy . There is no where in the movie where it dragged.

The pretty blond gal that was Jay's love interest really had eyes for Gerry... The chemistry was popping on her end. There was one scene where her tongue was practically hanging out and someone should have reminded her it was Jay who she was supposed to like and not Frosty (Gerry's character).

I saw CM tonight as well and was completely mesmerized by Gerry on the big screen with the long curls and beard, oh how I miss the long curls and beard. His voice was really stimulating, very erotic as he narrates quite a bit of the movie and they had some fantastic sound system going on or was that just the natural timbre of his masculine tone with just a trace of the Scottish burr. Also thought the music was excellent and in general it was one great movie. At the end when they were rolling the credits, everyone was clapping. It was a very different crowd than anticipated but those that were there really enjoyed it.....there were even young children in attendance and they didn't make a peep which is unusual for kids to stay involved through an entire movie. I really hope they advertise it more because it should be seen by all, not just for the surfing crowd or Gerry's fans.

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view post Posted on 4/10/2012, 11:03

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Panettona,mitico pianeta agreste


...mi permetto di diffidare un po' di così tanto entusiasmo... sono sicura che il film piacerà anche a me,perchè l'argomento mi attira molto,ma chi scrive mi pare avere gli occhi foderati di Gerry Juyce....non vorrei rimanere delusa come per MGP!!!
view post Posted on 4/10/2012, 11:16

ma chi scrive mi pare avere gli occhi foderati di Gerry Juyce...

Sì, mi pare che siano più entusiaste per Gerry che per il film. Dai loro commenti non si capisce molto se valga la pena di vedere il film per la storia a prescindere da Gerry.

Comunque, dopo le ultime clips e l'intervista a Gerry, lo sto rivalutando. Spero anche io di non rimanere delusa.

But we get heartbroken Gerry when his wife dies.

Questo potevano anche non dirlo.. <_<
view post Posted on 4/10/2012, 11:31

He's a lion that I am proud to hunt

Moderatore globale


si,l'entusiasmo da fans ha la meglio su tutto il forse non potevano svelare più di tanto?(a quel punto si potevano risparmiare quello spoiler,hai ragione Laura -_- )
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